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TeleGizmos 365 Scope Cover

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Hi all,

I have had the scope outside for the last week under a TeleGizmos 365 Scope Cover, as it is looking like cloud for the next week or so, i decided i would bring it in to do the rowan mod (that went fine and all working) the issue i had was that the mount was wet, and the inside of the cover was wet.  Is this likely to be moisture due to the wet weather, or could it be that it is leaking, i have gone over the seams etc, and no real point of entry is visible.

If this is standard, what do others do to keep the damp out, just a towel or something before the cover goes on?




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The moisture is most likely condensation: the cover gets very cold at night and water condenses both on the outside and on the inside. Only solution is to take it off during the day and dry it in the sun or indoors. 

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Problem is that its been raining for the last few days, so not had chance to take it off to air it, may have to look at something to draw the moisture or some other solution, don't want to leave the mount permanently wet, and defo having 2nd thoughts about using it with the scope on after i finish a night out.

Its stood on grass at the moment, soon to be concreate, wonder if that may help a little.


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14 hours ago, Adreneline said:

I had the same problem. I use a 24W heating pad (for cats) strapped to the mount before placing the cover; it’s on for 2 hours and then off for 2 hours. The mount stays dry  - no sign of moisture or condensation. 

This is a solution I've used as well. It works, though my heaters were for puppies! (I'm really not a cat person.)


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If you have power at the mount all the time, under the cover, then leave a dew strap on low, it will be enough to stop the condensation and keep the temp a few degrees above  ambient, I did exactly this for a couple of years under one of those covers, and it solved all the issues….I bought a long 1m dew strap and wrapped it around the mount..👍🏻

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I’ve used a telegizmo for years now , if I haven’t a scope on mount I put one of those collapsible round garden bins over first then the telegizmo over and jam something at floor level for air flow , if the newts on the mount not much issue as cover well off ground and plenty of air flow , sometimes I leave the primary mirror fan on just to keep air flow.

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Thanks for all the advice, i will put the heat strap around the mount with a timer on for the worse weather days, and on good days give it a air anyway.  Fingers crossed when the base is sorted, that will take a good % away as well, so all should be good. 


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