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Hello from mid-North Dorset


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Good evening all, I'm new to everything astronomy related but have enjoyed a casual interest of popular science and the wonders of the universe for many years.

I'm very late to this and trying to resist jumping into buying equipment before I have some education under my belt.

I'm very lucky that I can see the milky way running its way directly over my house, I often just stand and stare at it with the naked eye.

Same goes for planets, I notice when they appear, and their various relative positions at different times. I enjoy the different phases of the moon and its position throughout the year, relative to my viewpoint.

I'm getting more serious now only because a friend of mine is selling his very well cared for Takahashi Refractor and I almost jumped in with both feet.

Instead, I've decided to learn for a bit, be more conscious and attentive with my observations, until I know a little more and target my cash towards something that will fill my needs when I know a little more of what that might be. 

I've ordered a couple of books to start with and may get some binoculars in the meantime.

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