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WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 30 / 30 panels completed - Processing Starts


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WIP - 30 Pane Mosaic of the SADR region using the RASA 8
30 /30 PANELS COMPLETED - Processing starts now
Note - This top post will be edited as I add the panes to the mosaic over the season.
I encourage you to zoom in on the image and for the moment ignore the noise.
To prepare for this mammoth mosaic, I used the ASI Air star map / FOV planner to take 60 second images for each of the 30 panels to see what the final mosaic would look like. This would also allow me save these reference images so that at any point, I could "goto" any panel and image it as well as allowing me to see if they would actually stitch together. The large image is a reference 30 panel mosaic with single 60 second x2 bin images stitched together. There is a lot of noise due to it being single subs, no flats / darks and only a little cropping and stretching was done to see what the final image would look like. Each panel will consist of 25 subs of 3mins @2x bin on the RASA 8 fully processed with flats / darks and PI processing. A standard LP filter is also being used (I may add some lEnhance data in at a later date)
So far I am 30 panels into the project and the 2nd image shows this progress with a basic stitching together. Once I have all the panels, I will probably spend weeks doing a proper stitch and stretch / process,
Here is where I am now at 30 panels into the project 
So now I have all the panels, the processing starts. 
I also have 30 panels of stars in LRGB 30seconds to merge it once the processing has been done
Tools used
EQ8 Pro Mount, RASA 8, ZWO 2600MC Pro, AstroTec LP Filter, ZWO 120mm guidescope, PixInsight
ASI Air and ASI Air FOV Planner to move panes and save reference images


Reference 30 Panel Mosaic with single 60s uncalibrated images

30 Pane Mosaic - 60 Seconds per Pane RASA8.jpg

Screenshot of the stitching 


30 Panels Screen.jpg


Intermediate Mosaic - Screenshot

Image Progress so far - 30 Panels (each panel 25x 3min subs at 2x bin F2) 

30 Panel 1st Screenshot.jpg

Edited by Catanonia
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18 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Going to be great. Good luck with it 👍🏻👌🏻


4 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

It's a great field.


Yeah, so much to see and nice and high in the sky for me

3 hours ago, Elp said:

It's a great result even as it stands at the moment.

Yes, I am always amazed at the RASA

1 hour ago, gorann said:

Great project and the very best of luck with it! With more data I think you also will be able to bring out a bit more colours. Are you using any filter?

Hopefully as only 60s per sub in this image so far. No filters other than a standard LP one, so hopefully I can get proper star colours. I was debating using the Optilong lEnhance, but that washes out star and blue colours.

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On 15/10/2022 at 16:33, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Wow what an amazing project 🙂 


Thanks, I was after something different to put the Rasa8 to task with. With it's F2, this is certainly achievable with about 10 clear nights.

On 15/10/2022 at 16:55, simmo39 said:

Amazing! and I get fed up after a few hours an a small project. Hats off sir!

lol, me too at times hence the F2 Rasa

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I had a good clear night and managed to get in the first 5 panels anlong with the final 12 reference images (see top post) to extend from 18 to 30 Panels.

So roughly 6 hours real imaging data obtained which is not bad for the 1st session on this project. I woke this morning to loads of dew, but thankfully my heaters did their job. I even remembered to take some flats

I also managed to get about 3 hours of M78, once SADR was out of optimal range, that I have yet to process

A quick and rough stitch together along with basic processing to show the progress.

I have also updated the top post of this thread to show progress and leave the ramblings to the update reply posts like this one.


SADR 1-5 Panels Mosaic.jpg

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  • Catanonia changed the title to WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 5 / 30 panels completed
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Catanonia changed the title to WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 8 / 30 panels completed
  • 2 weeks later...

9/30 Panels

The weather has been pretty pants recently and I needed to redo a couple of panels as the data was not great.

In the last couple of nights, I managed to get the scope outside and grab a few hours to hit the milestone of 9 panels thus allowing me to at least build a semi image :)

One of the nice things about the RASA8, it is so fast I can get an hour here and there. I have it down to a tee now, take cover off the mount outside, put scope on, plug in, PA with ASI and within 10 mins I am good to image.

So here is 9 Panels. 

Next time hoping to add 10, 11 and 12 to extend it out to the right towards the crescent area.


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  • Catanonia changed the title to WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 9 / 30 panels completed

More good progress and now up to 15/30 panels added.

Each panel is 2xbin on the RASA8 for 3mins on the EQ8-R

As the panel count increases, so does the difficulty of merging them into a reasonable mosaic.

Also not helping that SADR is now only really visible for about 4 hours in the night before it starts to head to the horizon.

Hope you like :)

15 Panels.jpg

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  • Catanonia changed the title to WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 21 / 30 panels completed

ZOOM IN ON THE MAIN IMAGE to see the real scale of this project

SADR is no longer in a prime location and I can only get a few panels on a clear night now.

But still I am 21 panels out of 30 into the mosaic and making some good progress.

Attached here you can see the 21 panel stitching screenshot and a 18 panel mosaic I quickly made so you can see a sort of completed image.

It is going to be fun processing this proper and thank god I recently upgraded my computer to a Intel 13900K with 64GB DDR5 ram :)

Hope you enjoy

21 Panes.jpg

21 Panes ScreenShot.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got the remaining panels.  30 / 30 completed.

You can see I was not quite as accurate with my manual panel mapping and had quite a bit of overlap on the right hand side. Since this, I have learnt the ASI mosaic mode a lot better and won't make this mistake again.

But I have what I have for the image crop I want, so now for the hard work of stitching and processing them all together.  

This may take some time :)

30 Panels Screen.jpg

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Spent about 3 hours this morning on the mamouth task of stitching these panels together.

Messing around with DNALinearFit and other tools, trying to get the panels to match considering they are from different conditions over the course of nearly 3 months.

Here is a 1st pass screenshot of my progress of stitching. Still a few issues around the middle of the image to work on, but the key here is to save your work regularly and give the directories good meaningful names for when you constantly go back to a previous.

(Only screenshot at this stage as the image is HUGE !!)

30 Panel 1st Screenshot.jpg

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  • Catanonia changed the title to WIP - 30 Panel Mosaic of SADR region with RASA 8 - 30 / 30 panels completed - Processing Starts
18 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's coming together very nicely. Yves Van Den Broek shot a vast mosaic also including the NAN but heading the other way, up to include IC1396. The large scale structures are fascinating throughout this region.

Great stuff.


Thanks Olly, much work to do on processing all of this data.

I have another 30 panels for the star field, not sure if I am going to need to use them, time will tell.

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