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Chuffed to Get Jupiter and Mars from 51N (7 August 2022)


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Gosh, it is not normal to be recording high resolution images early in the season – I normally require a good few months of practice and tweakery to get on track.  With the recent hot and stable weather, I am already getting (for 51N) some lovely views and really looking forward to the coming months of Mars and Jupiter. Alas, Saturn remains stubbornly behind the tree line so I may have to take the C11 mobile. Well worth the horrors of an 0330 alarm!

The details are in the pictures but let me know if you have any points or tips.

Jupiter showing details around the shrinking Great Red Spot. North up for BAA submission to allow comparison with professional imagery. 



Mars showing a detached feature to the south of Hellas. Wonderful to think, somewhere in the field of view, is Perseverance and Ingenuity. South up for BAA submission - good to see the Mars section still stuck in the past! 


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Thank you all for your kind comments and likes - really appreciated.  


5 hours ago, johnturley said:

I assume that you use a 2x Barlow

That's the badger! I unscrewed the barlow element from its body and put it on the flip mirror making, by guestimation f20 (perhaps a smidge more). 

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