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The jewel in the sky - NGC7023 - Iris Nebula


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This is my first ever real LRGB project but ever since I saw a picture of this i've been wanting to image this for months. Earlier this year with few DSOs high in the sky I finally got around to imaging this one, the jewel in the sky NGC7023 the Iris Nebula.

It took a fair few sessions from March up until June and I had to bin (disregard) around 1.5 hours each of R, G, B due to the flats not calibrating out the dust motes, so in total around 20 hours exposure at F5.9. Imaging from the back garden over newly installed LED street lights...

I was hoping to get more of that precious dust out of it, there's some still in it but I haven't got the software or any more patience to spend on this so I'll leave it as is, subtle as it is I like it that way.

Maybe sometime in the future I'll revisit this target...


Edited by Elp
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Thanks all, I would say it is quite a dark target, you can get the initial area around the central star quite quickly, any other details I would say is aperture dependent as well as needing more truly dark skies. Processing software plays a big part on this one too.

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