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30th April

neil phillips

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Trying lots of things. But can not get the telescope to stay sharp and in focus for longer than a few seconds. It seems to me a combination of seeing. And thermals. The long black tube really doesn't seem to like it at all. Which is a shame as when it goes sharp i can see the potential. I wonder if reflectix would help ?  looks like ive been watching Blue Peter. with the DIY gear lol 


30TH 1.png


30TH 2.png



Edited by neil phillips
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Looking good Neil. That last one is certainly showing potential.

I wish I could get my setup to stay in focus for as long as a few seconds at a time!!! I think your expectations of daytime seeing at that kind of image scale are a touch optimistic.

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1 hour ago, Freddie said:

Looking good Neil. That last one is certainly showing potential.

I wish I could get my setup to stay in focus for as long as a few seconds at a time!!! I think your expectations of daytime seeing at that kind of image scale are a touch optimistic.

Your probably right. you know far more about daytime imaging than me. I am so accustomed to night time imaging. And on occasion still images. i realize solar imaging is a different ball park. 

will keep trying. I find the refractor easier. But thats with a visual filter. Need another OD 3.8  with that, for best results. Should be getting a continuum filter soon. Instead of the 495 long pass.

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1 hour ago, Freddie said:

I prefer using my Baader green filter than my continuum. Have you tried your green filter that I assume you still have from your planetary RGB set?

That's interesting Freddie. No i sold everything years ago. Why exactly do you prefer it over the continuum ?

Dont forget the refractor might benefit more from a continuum than my Newt

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24 minutes ago, dweller25 said:

I think in addition to everything else you have done wrapping with reflectix to reflect solar heat would be worth a try. 

Thanks for your view. I will have to have to think about this. I wonder how much heat will get reflected. And how much absorbed ? Probably not as much as black though.

Need to message FLO. As i read its a bad idea doing solar with a 8" Stella lyra Cassegrain. If that's not true could be a option ?

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You should be ok with using a Cassegrain for white light imaging provided that a full aperture film filter is used.  A Herschel Wedge  is not suitable as the full aperture heat would impact the secondary prior to the filtration.  The same goes for standard Newtonians.    🙂

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26 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

You should be ok with using a Cassegrain for white light imaging provided that a full aperture film filter is used.  A Herschel Wedge  is not suitable as the full aperture heat would impact the secondary prior to the filtration.  The same goes for standard Newtonians.    🙂

Hi Peter thanks for the  input.  Two things how safe do you think it is using this Newtonian on solar. its a Antares 1/30th secondary. Orion 1/10th primary. The heat inside the tube was warm.

Are the coatings up to this ? what about silicon holding the Flat ? would rather not trash it.

When you say full aperture, its around 190mm solar. And surrounded by thick 3 layer cardboard that would block the perimeter.

Edited by neil phillips
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Should be fine with a full aperture film filter.  Main downside will be warmth inside the tube causing tube currents, as suggested, covering the tube with reflectix could be well worthwhile, the top solar imagers do this.     🙂

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1 hour ago, Peter Drew said:

Should be fine with a full aperture film filter.  Main downside will be warmth inside the tube causing tube currents, as suggested, covering the tube with reflectix could be well worthwhile, the top solar imagers do this.     🙂

Ok i thought as much on both counts. But its a part of astronomy quite new to me. Was reading elsewhere that Newtonians can be more troublesome with heat. than say SCTs. 

Thanks again Peter. 

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3 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Plenty of promise there going forward i think Neil, some really nice details visible.

Hi Pete thanks. The sun being so active. I have started to get a interest. Its been very interesting. Even in WL the sun is very dynamic



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