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I was lucky to have a second clear morning in a row this morning - I might buy a lottery ticket later 😊.

Good to see AR2936 again, plus AR2934 to the W.  On the E limb was AR2939 plus another AR to the N, so far not numbered?

Took a single frame with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 and Olympus camera at 10.30 am, 1/250 sec at 320 asa.. Reproduced below with a crop of the same frame.

Earlier, I had an enexpected fly by.   I had just pressed the end of my manual cable release, with just sunspots visible. The camera screen then flashed for a microsecond while it flashed up the frame that has just been taken before returning to the view through the camera again. I had a shock in that for that microsecond I thought I saw a plane with a con trail flash into view. I thought I had imagined it until I pressed the button to see the frame I had just taken.  The pic is below.

Over the years I've taken quite a few planes  crossing the sun or moon.  This is the first time that one has taken me by surprise as this one has, crossing the field of view in the  time it took for the shutter to release and me never actually seeing it before or after, but just leaving an image.  😁.






Edited by paulastro
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When I was looking at the sunspots last week I just happened to be looking and aircraft did that to me whilst I was at the EP - right through the middle!  Wow!  If only I'd had a camera setup at the time - it rather made me jump!  At that point I thought it was slim of chance of a) happening, and b) actually seeeing it happen, but @paulastro actually has a photo of such an event - double wow!

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