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Boxing day sun spots


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I hope you all had a great Christmas. I managed a quick sun session on Boxing day before more clouds rolled in. I used my 8" Dob and Baader solar film to observe the new sun spots compared to what we had last week. Seeing was very good considering the thin clouds and I managed to use my ES 6.7mm 82 degree EP without losing much details. The three sun spots showed nice dark centre and more faint halos (sorry if i am not using the right terms). I also managed a quick shot with my camera on prime focus. Let's hope to better seeing conditions in 2022.


Edited by Kon
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3 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

Very nice capture, the activity has been been very high of late. I think i counted 10 active regions at once a few days back on Spaceweather.com. Unfortunately its been grim here and not looking any better for the rest of the year. 

Thanks. Last week I just managed to see the several sun spots that had developed but already rotating away. It seems that the clear spells are rather rare these days. I do not think I have done a proper session in ages. 

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19 hours ago, Kon said:

The three sun spots showed nice dark centre and more faint halos (sorry if i am not using the right terms)

Very nice shots Kim, especially the close ups.

The dark central regions are referred to as umbra, and the lighter out regions as penumbra.

I’ve still not managed to see these groups, a combination of poor weather and being busy when the sun has been out. Good to see them via your images.

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4 hours ago, Stu said:

The dark central regions are referred to as umbra, and the lighter out regions as penumbra

Thanks for the correct terminology! Let's hope to more clear days/nights.

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35 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Great you captured the boxing day activities. Solar cycle 25 is according to the pros is going to be more active than they thought. 

Thanks. Let's hope we can see something with these beautiful weather we are having 😂.

I had another look at the sun today for 1hr!!! (and now it is raining), and the spots did look different from yesterday. The ones at 12 o'clock seem to have got weaker whereas the 2916 seems to start elongating. Seeing was very stable again today. I quite enjoy observing the progress of them. Let's see if the weather plays ball tomorrow.



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