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Looking for new software to work on captures'


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Hi' Can anyone help me on  a software which i can use to work on my captures'. At the moment i am using adobe photoshop elements 12 on my captures' but i am looking for some advice on another software which i can buy and use on my images' Thanks for reading. Mark

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I take it by work on your captures you mean processing your images, you could run them through SIRIL (free) Bodes Galaxy.tiffthen just touch them up in PsE12, i have Affinity photo (still learning) £50quid.

you can get photoshop £10 a month, Gimp free, pixinsight very good very expensive or there is Nebulosity which is a capture and processing.

Hope this gives you a start  

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If it is DSO captures then for stacking amongst others

SIRIL already mentioned and Deep sky stacker (DSS)

For processing in addition to the above there is StarTools which is very capable and reasonably priced.

If planets/Moon for example

sharpcap or firecapture to capture video

for processing the video planets/moon

registax or autostakkert

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+1 for Astroart, it punches well above its weight.

Ideal for image acquisition, guiding, plate solving (if needed) and preprocessing with stacking darks, lights etc.

Full range of image processing tools, basically all yo could ask for.

Highly recommended.


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Hi' Thanks to everyone for your help and time on different software i can use with my captures'. After looking through them all i have gone for SiriL for first try. If i can not use the software i will try another software on this page for another choice. Thanks Mark

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