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What not to do....

paul mc c

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Well last night has been the best night in a long time, finally got my new 533mc and NINA all working, every thing perfect, got my flats, dark flats done and sat to take 90x3 min lights, which looked great, went to bed and set alarm for 3.30 to close obsy and after shutting every thing down..... Forgot to save the images, noooooooo. Being used to the dslr and APT automatically saving I forgot that in NINA you have to save them your self arrrgghh. 

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Hi Paul

I use NINA and, although I have changed where it saves the files (external SSD) I seem to recall that it did have a default location set up.  Might be worth looking at the NINA Options tab...I think that has a default folder set up.  I think it is called "NINA Captures".


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7 minutes ago, Grifflin said:

Hi Paul

I use NINA and, although I have changed where it saves the files (external SSD) I seem to recall that it did have a default location set up.  Might be worth looking at the NINA Options tab...I think that has a default folder set up.  I think it is called "NINA Captures".


I will check that out, thank you. 

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1 minute ago, adyj1 said:


Where is it storing files during the session that mean shutting down loses them? I haven't used NINA but this situation does seem odd...


Thet are saved om my c drive,but when the session is finished i had to manually save then by clicking on a tab in the NINA file i made.

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9 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

Thet are saved om my c drive,but when the session is finished i had to manually save then by clicking on a tab in the NINA file i made.

That seems really odd.  For my set up, as long as I have a File Path set in Options>Imaging then it will automatically save data to it.  No manual intervention required.  In fact it comes up with an error warning if it can't find the location.

Apologies for asking the question but I'm guessing that you have checked the location on your C drive that is being pointed to by NINA?


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9 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

Yes Neil i have,my flats and darks are there which i saved by clicking on the save tab in the sequence section,the folder tab at top right of screen,obviously i am doing something wrong.I am new to NINA so still learning my way.

OK...just fired up NINA to have a look.  I think the "Save" button you are pressing is used to save a target sequence so you can set it up in advance.  The file path for this is set up under Options>Imaging and then set in the "Sequence" section.  The image data location is set up in the "File Settings" location under "Image File Path" (second one down on the left)

Apologies if you've already looked at this.  :) 


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42 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

Yes Neil i have,my flats and darks are there which i saved by clicking on the save tab in the sequence section,the folder tab at top right of screen,obviously i am doing something wrong.I am new to NINA so still learning my way.

Paul, I hope this isn't feeling like we're ganging up on you, but we can't think of anywhere that NINA *could* store a whole session of capture files that would get automatically deleted.

We really are hoping that your error wasn't you losing the files, it is just that you don't know where the 'secret NINA stash' is on your disk... 

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43 minutes ago, adyj1 said:

Paul, I hope this isn't feeling like we're ganging up on you, but we can't think of anywhere that NINA *could* store a whole session of capture files that would get automatically deleted.

We really are hoping that your error wasn't you losing the files, it is just that you don't know where the 'secret NINA stash' is on your disk... 

Sorry just back in,no mate not at all,i appreciate any help i can get,i have been having a nightmare since changing to the 533mc,unfortunately  my I.T skills are not good but will try and see if they are somewhere on the computer.

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+1 I use Nina and it will store files in the directory you set in the Settings tab. This may not be where you actually want them to go, but they will save there.

The default location is C:\NINA_Images so first things first, look in there and make sure they're not there. I've never had to save my image files after a run, they're always automatically saved by NINA.

This folder is set under Options/Imaging/Image File Path

Note that by default it saves FITS files so just make sure that you're not looking only for normal image file types like jpg, tiff, png etc.



The SAVE button that you're pressing on the Sequence tab has nothing to do with your images. The one on the top right corner saves the configuration for a set of targets if you have multiple targets included in your sequence (e.g. the target name and RA/Dec coordinates). The one in the bottom left saves the configuration for your sequence for each target including number of subs, filters, exposure time, binning etc.

I'll put money on it that your images are saved there somewhere on your C drive!

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Phew! Well done. Glad they turned up!

I always agonize over the file naming pattern - I'm sure everyone has their own favourite way. You can see my pattern in the screenshot above, but the drawback is that I need to remember on which date did I shoot a particular target. From time to time I discover sets of images that I had completely forgotten about.

I'm thinking about arranging source images by "target then date" when I copy them off the laptop hard drive onto the USB drive.

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53 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

Update,thank you all i have found them......turns out they were saved under m57 which i was trying ti image a few nights ago and i never changed the image file name,so thats where they were.

Well done - secret NINA stash found! Every day is a learning day 😄

Edited by adyj1
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That is good news indeed that you found them. Like the other posters I couldn’t see how they could not be somewhere if they were captured from a sequence.

I save the night’s images to a folder called current session then move them onto an external drive the next day into a folder with a more specific name.

Mind you, it’s been that long since I have been out due to the clouds that I am genuinely starting to forget what my workflow is…

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