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Everything posted by Grifflin

  1. Thank you. Yep, that makes sense. The target I was imaging earlier was the Christmas Tree cluster. Good point about using Astrobin though.
  2. If I already have around 6 hours of integration time using a dual narrow band filter (L-Extreme) and I have the opportunity to take another 6 hours in one night (no moon), would I be better to continue with the filter OR use no filter apart from the UV/IR cut on the camera and combine as a sort of LRGB? Neil
  3. I use a 120mm and connect it via the USB 2 port on the back of my 2600 (previously I used the 294). Works fine for me. Neil
  4. Worth having a look at https://outsideology.com/ . Not cheap but I'm pretty sure they will build to whatever spec you are needing. Also have good after sales support for snagging etc. Neil
  5. @HesperLiz Now you've got it in the polar scope field of view, you might want to mark in some fashion where your tripod legs are set so it is easier to repeat on future nights. Unless you've got a more permanent set up in which case ignore Neil
  6. .....or it is so bright that it has caused a diffraction spike. 🫤 Doh!
  7. Hi All Couldn't pass up the opportunity to try and image this SN last night. Have to apologies because the detail is awful as I couldn't get the guiding to work, camera tilt, possible collimation issues, no astro dark etc. However, I was somewhat surprised to see what appears to be a jet coming out from the SN. Might be an artefact of the poor imaging but thought I would post it here for interest. RC 8 - ASI 2600MC - no filters - ~3.5 hours of 45s subs. Stacked and pre-processed in WBPP. Background extraction, SPCC, BlurX, EZsoft stretch, NoiseX. no other processing. Neil Edit: Adding a smaller JPEG M101-SN.tif
  8. Just seen this on the RC Astro site. https://www.rc-astro.com/resources/MTFAnalyzer/ It seems to be a calculator for assessing the effectiveness of camera to telescope combinations. Rather technical for me but looks like it is along the same lines as the Astronomy Tools CCD Suitability calculator but appears to give different results. Any thoughts? Neil
  9. Might also find this link to a CN post useful https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/849141-asi2600mc-pro-tilt-adapter-adjustment-walkthrough/ Neil
  10. Thanks Olly Yep, I think I get what you are saying. I'll give that a go although, to be honest, my processing skills are pretty basic at the moment but this will be good practice. Neil
  11. Thank you both. PI is crunching through the stacking at the moment so it will be a while then I'll give those expressions a go. Presumably I will want to do this on non-linear data? Neil
  12. Thank you. I'm using PixInsight for my processing so I guess the process here is to stack the two sets of data separately and process each until they are in a non-linear state. Presumably I would then combine them using Pixel Maths and just play with the balance (e.g. 60/40 or 70/30 etc). Would there be a more clever way of doing the combination given there is only an hour of narrowband data versus 11 hours of broadband? Neil
  13. Hi All I have captured a few nights of data on M31 using an L-Pro filter. The other night we had intermittent clouds so was doing some experimenting and tinkering with the rig but used M31 as my target and, having discarded a lot of subs, I find I have about an hour of decent dual narrowband data using the L-Extreme filter. The question I have is, can the L-Extreme data be used in some fashion with the broadband data and if so how might it be used? For example, is there any value in extracting the Ha data and somehow combining it with the broadband data? Or something else? All subs taken with the same camera and telescope. 120s subs for broadband and 180s subs for dual narrow band. Grateful for your thoughts. Neil Mods....apologies. Should have put this is the Image processing section
  14. Yep, I use TeamViewer and it works just fine. I guess it depends how good your WiFi is to wherever the rig has been set up. Neil
  15. I have not done this although I probably will at some point this year. However, I see that the info from Pegasus does state that the universal bracket will work with a Baader Steeltrack. Neil
  16. Perfect...thanks Nigel. So, if I understand it correctly, we are broadly talking about 'size' i.e. half light radius with globular clusters being predominantly in the <=10pc range...ish. Neil
  17. Hi All I've been struggling to find a clear definition between what differentiates a Dwarf Galaxy from a Globular Cluster. The little research I have done seems to come up with various criteria such as number of stars, size, star forming regions, age etc etc. but I wasn't sure I could find a clear definition. I've no doubt that the answer is out there.... Grateful for your thoughts. Neil
  18. You may have fixed this already but, for what it is worth, I had a similar problem with my Pegasus Focus Cube. Turned out it was a slightly loose connection in the USB connecter on the Cube. Might be worth trying a different USB 3 cable? Neil
  19. Thanks all. Just as a follow up, I have not touched the RA axis but have used an M8 rod cut to about 10cm which is screwed into the Dec saddle. Whilst not perfect, it has made a noticeable improvement to balance and, perhaps more importantly, guiding. Still not quite right but my guiding has gone from about 0.7-0.9 RMS to about 0.5-0.7 RMS. Neil
  20. Hi David Many thanks for the info. You're right about my comment and it is probably a bit misleading. I think when I wrote it I was thinking more about the excellent images I see here rather than any specific issue with the quality from the SW 80 ED. To be honest, I suspect that most of any issues I have (real or perceived) are more about my abilities rather than the scope itself. In the link below is an example of what I have been getting which to be honest, works for me. Absolutely agree about the focuser and I also like the idea of the integrated rotator as well. That said, I'm starting to err more towards getting the 2600MC before upgrading the scope. Neil
  21. Lol...thank you Yep, that is kind of what I was thinking. If the collective wisdom is that it does provide an appreciable improvement (subjective I know|) then I might go for it. Otherwise, as you say, put it towards the next energy bill Neil
  22. Hi All I have been using the SW 80 ED DS Pro paired with a ZWO 294MC for the last couple of years and have found it a really good scope to start my astro photography journey and has given me results which, if not necessarily great, have been pleasing to me. I am now considering upgrading and currently have my eye on the StellaMira 90 ED Triplet from FLO but I guess my question is, will it give me a noticeable improvement in quality? For context, I use my SW 80 with a 0.85 FR/FF but plan on only using a FF with the StellaMira which means both will have a very similar field of view. Should also say that I am considering upgrading my camera to a ZWO 2600MC as well! Grateful for your thoughts or any other recommendations. Neil
  23. Hi All Was having a go at imaging the Wizard Nebula last night and on one of the subs I noticed that there were two pairs of 'stars' that did not appear on any other sub. This was a 300s sub, time stamped at 23:57. Screen shot below with 'stars' arrowed. Any ideas? Neil
  24. Brilliant...just the info I need, thank you! As you said Vlaiv, just need to check on all my thread dimensions etc. then I should be in business Neil
  25. Thanks Vlaiv...yep, thought that was going to be the way forward. I had been looking at the Baader Diamond SteelTrack but wasn't clear if it would accept a fully threaded connection. I'll have a look at the TS Optics one though. Thank you Neil
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