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Searching for Sympathy Likes with Jupiter 😉

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Last night I attached a ccd camera to a f7 refractor and tried my hand at planetary imaging...

Behold, I give you Lord of planets, the mighty Jupiter...



I've a lot to learn and also totally devoid of embarrassment!

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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  • ScouseSpaceCadet changed the title to Searching for Sympathy Likes with Jupiter 😉
8 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Much better than my first attempt. Keep going 👍đŸģ

Jeremy you're too kind. Thanks though. 😉

I fear I don't have the patience for imaging. For me it's very much about learning the basics so pro's talking doesn't go right over my head!

Further attempts will be attempted in the future no doubt.

Also basics like live stacking will come in useful should I ever get the chance to do outreach. A plan I was looking forward to with the local astronomy soc. before covid hit. ☚ī¸

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7 minutes ago, dweller25 said:

That’s very good, particularly as the seeing last night was quite poor 👍

Seeing was brilliant here though. 😄

I know where the improvements need to be made. For one I really should have used the 102 Mak due to increased focal length. However the sky was that good I stuck with the frac in case I switched to visual... I've several captures, so if I find an hour or two free over the weekend I'll try having a better go at processing. 

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10 hours ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Seeing was brilliant here though. 😄

I know where the improvements need to be made. For one I really should have used the 102 Mak due to increased focal length. However the sky was that good I stuck with the frac in case I switched to visual... I've several captures, so if I find an hour or two free over the weekend I'll try having a better go at processing. 

What time did you take the image data ?

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I'll be well happy if I get anything half as good as that. I took a few 30 sec smartphone videos through the Dob on Thursday, downloaded Registax 6 yesterday and am just about to watch my first tutorial. I'm not very technical  and frankly I haven't got a clue if it'll even work with a smartphone.

I don't think I'll have the patience either if I'm honest đŸ¤Ē 

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nice first image :) Curious though why you’re getting so much of what appears to be atmospheric dispersion as i’ve been noticing visually with the greater altitude this year I haven’t felt need to use my adc on Jupiter. Were you keeping it centre of view or did it drift off towards the edge? (could it be chromatic aberration of the scope) 


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I made my first attempt a planetary image last night. This is the result:



Yep - nothing. Took me 2 hours to get focus then couldn't even find Jupiter! Bad preparation on my part..đŸ¤Ŗ

So well done

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2 hours ago, StuartT said:

nice one mate! You're about at the same stage as me. I'm trying to get the hang of planets.

I assume this is from stacked video frames? If it's a single shot, you did bloody well! 

Yes captured using a my actual bargain Ebay purchase. An Opticstar PX35C planetary camera. To reach focus attached to a GSO 2.5x ED barlow and a 1.25" Altair dielectric diagonal. Software was Sharpcap 32bit (64bit wouldn't recognise the cam) & Autostakkert! 2 on a Windows 10 Home laptap. The scope was the Altair Starwave Ascent 102ED f7.

I took a series of 1 minute high speed captures - around 1200 frames.

@markse68 do not utter the C.A. words and my scope in the same sentence again please!! 😉

Hah. It was windy and the occasional large vehicle, presumably buses, caused a few vibes. My house is maybe 30m from an urban 40mph duel carriageway and there was still a bit of traffic around 10.30pm - 11pm. ☚ī¸

I'll probably try again tonight with the Skymax 102. Watch this space! 😁

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I ended up down exactly the same rabbit hole as you last night, capturing images until 4 am and then I spent what seemed like hours this morning with wavelets (whatever they are ) - I need to get back to visual and EAA, it's much safer !!

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4 minutes ago, Surreydocker said:

I ended up down exactly the same rabbit hole as you last night, capturing images until 4 am and then I spent what seemed like hours this morning with wavelets (whatever they are ) - I need to get back to visual and EAA, it's much safer !!

Staying out until 4am is beyond the call. 😉

I hope the results are worth it. The above pic is only an hour and a half outside and an hour at the laptop, so I'm still clinging to the edge of the rabbit hole. 😄

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3 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Staying out until 4am is beyond the call. 😉

I hope the results are worth it. The above pic is only an hour and a half outside and an hour at the laptop, so I'm still clinging to the edge of the rabbit hole. 😄


TBH, it's a bit meh - I have loads more data but like you, I'm not sure I have the patience for endless hours of processing !

Jup 5 % 28-8_Reg 5 (Aff)crop.jpg

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35 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

@markse68 do not utter the C.A. words and my scope in the same sentence again please!! 😉

Sorry mate đŸ˜Ŧ😅

for what it’s worth I wasted 2hrs on m92 last night with nothing to show for it than being very tired and frustrated today- primary must have got caught in it’s cell and had severe coma across the whole field đŸ¤Ļ‍♂ī¸grrr

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4 minutes ago, Surreydocker said:


TBH, it's a bit meh - I have loads more data but like you, I'm not sure I have the patience for endless hours of processing !

Jup 5 % 28-8_Reg 5 (Aff)crop.jpg

That's a sharper image with loads more discernable detail than mine though. With a Brucie Bonus moon thrown in too. Well done. 👍

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Some nice detil visible there, you should be pleased with your efforts. The amount of incredible images that are produced on here and other such places, its easy to forget just how tricky planetary imaging is particularly from the UK. So to get an image like is still a good effort for me, no sympathy, but plenty of praise for your first image 🙂


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16 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

Some nice detil visible there, you should be pleased with your efforts. The amount of incredible images that are produced on here and other such places, its easy to forget just how tricky planetary imaging is particularly from the UK. So to get an image like is still a good effort for me, no sympathy, but plenty of praise for your first image 🙂


Thanks Pete. I suppose with relatively inexpensive kit and a 4" f7 refractor it isn't so bad. One aspect I am pleased with is the colour rendition. Left as it was output and unprocessed by me.

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21 minutes ago, markse68 said:

bit too much pink- there was a distinct blue band to north (dob view) last night

You got rid of the Câ€Ļ though 😊


Seriously I am colour blind... So I need to slide the presumably red slider back a bit? I can tell I've lost the blue but the red/green deuteranopia doesn't help... 


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4 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Seriously I am colour blind... So I need to slide the presumably red slider back a bit? I can tell I've lost the blue but the red/green deuteranopia doesn't help... 


Hmm could be tricky then- it’s very good already. Maybe yes adjust the red a bit less and if you can the blue up a bit



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1 hour ago, markse68 said:

Hmm could be tricky then- it’s very good already. Maybe yes adjust the red a bit less and if you can the blue up a bit



Another go at processing. Autostakkert! is removing the blue..


Still I've managed to increase the size without further blurring and revealed more subtle details, so there's progress...

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