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First time observing the sun...kind of scary!


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I had my first go at observing the sun this afternoon. I made a filter for the full aperture of my 8" Dob and one for the small dust cup. I was very worried to try the full aperture one so I opted for the smaller one. I put the 25mm EP in but I did not want to put my eye on it, I literally chickened out...and I felt that something will go wrong. I put my hand in front of the EP to make sure i do not feel a burn, but was I even pointing at the sun? Nope not good enough. I though I will stick my DSLR on prime focus, worst think it can happen is to fry it rather than my eye. I found the sun on live view, the camera survived and I took a couple of quick shots. Upon checking inside I spotted two sun spots, my first 'visual' ever from my own telescope!☀️ That was amazing and even my wife was amazed. Ok, I put the 25mm EP back on and I finally put my eye on it! Amazing, I could see the sun and the two sun spots; they appeared as two small black specs. Clouds kept coming in and out so I gave up on higher magnification. The full aperture will have to wait since I do not feel ready for it, I might use it for the 10th June with my DSLR, or play with it over the weekend.


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A bit of fear is not a bad thing, it will make sure you are methodical when observing the sun so as not to make a mistake. Perhaps make yourself a check list to run through so you can reassure yourself you haven’t forgotten anything eg check filter for damage, make sure it is securely fastened, cover or remove finder etc.

I hope you summon up enough courage to have a proper look with the full aperture soon, the views will be worthwhile.

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Great Kon. I posted elsewhere today that I managed my first solar session. Actually aligning to the sun took a bit of doing and tbh I was wincing expecting to be blinded any second! However, the anxiety I felt was unnecessary and nearly two hours were spent having a look. After starting with a 32mm plossl and trying an OVL zoom, I switched to the Altair 24mm.

The 1.25" Altair UFF 24mm 65° ep, Skymax 102 and ES Sun Catcher filter provided a magnificent view. Almost 3D I thought. A special first. Being too busy gawping the DSLR stayed packed and a Samsung S6 was used. 


Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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I echo your caution after absorbing years of dire warnings against it  , and your delight at actually seeing the Sun through a 'scope !

My (slightly silly) version of your sacrificial DSLR ploy was to initially use my non-dominant eye :blush: , just  in case ... Began with the filter I'd made for  the small aperture cap within a cap on my ST80, was not blinded/turned to stone/shrivelled up , so escalated to using the 'ggod' eye , and then the full aperture filter . Nice whole disc views with a 12mm plossl in the little 'scope. ☀️

I was sufficiently impressed to use the rest of the Baader film to make a filter for my 127 mak ... wow, using that , and the borrowed UHC  filter (that I'm going to have to buy now) with a BST 8mm showed some interesting tiny detail around the simple  'freckles' that showed in the  ST80 . I've been recording what I see as little pencil sketches,  my dodgy art skills are not challenged by a circle, a tiny amoeba and some dots :evil4:


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