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OK.... what have I bought? Old Russian scope...

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I am picking this up tomorrow for $50 Cdn.   I figure my kid will get a kick out of using it at least - can set it up next to mine.   Guy says he bought it in Russia and it has no writing on it anywhere other than what is on the side of the tube.  He said it was Russian Military issue.  About 4 inches in diameter and about 24 inches long.   Newtonian I am sure....  old military spotting scope?

Ideas and comments welcome!








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Nice one @WestCoastCannuck. It certainly looks like a TAL Alkor which is what I have (posted in the thread Craig linked to).

They are lovely little scopes, 65mm aperture and f7.7 (500mm focal length). It should come with an eyepiece, a barlow and a spacer giving you x33, x88 and x133.

Provided the optics are in good condition I think you will love it, the optics are very high quality and so it is great on the Moon and double stars. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine.

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13 minutes ago, Roy Challen said:

It is an Alkor, that's what the Russian writing on it says. The optics should be quite good, as everyone else has mentioned.

Your Russian is good 😀👍😉

A bit more than quite good, aperture notwithstanding they are sublime!

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2 minutes ago, Stu said:

Your Russian is good 😀👍😉

A bit more than quite good, aperture notwithstanding they are sublime!

As my wife is from a Russian speaking country, I've learned a fair bit. The alphabet is really easy to learn, therefore reading is also easy. I just find it difficult to speak Russian well as I rarely have an opportunity to practice.

I have just read the long thread on CN about these scopes, there is a good post from AndyH (hasn't been on here for ages) about the history of Tal/НПЗ, as well as loads of info in general about them. 

I'm sure the optics are great, but as I've never looked through one I didn't want to say that without being sure.

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Thanks SO much everyone.   Heading out shortly to pick it up.  He says it is complete as he bought it new when in Russia, and it has lived its entire life in it's case in storage.  He had another bigger one with counterweights - more elaborate, for $60...  but it is sold.  I would have bought that one too.  lol  Really looking forward to having this set up next to my big gear for my kids and the neighborhood kids.  (neighborhood kids will have to wait a bit though)  And of course....  I MUST image the moon with it at least once!  haha

Clear skies!!!!



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Looking forward to first light!  It is missing the barlow and the extension tube - perhaps I can pick up something that will work.  All in fabulous condition.  LOVE the rifle sight finder!  LOL...  Solid as a rock despite the look in pics, super easy to line up and then fine adjust with the little springloaded fine adjustment knobs.   Optics look great.   Focused in on a little sticker on the windsheild of a motorcycle at about 50 yards and the lettering was quite sharp.   Should be fun on the moon, easy enough to use I think my 6yo will be fine with it!  haha  


Cheers all!!  Thanks!



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Nice one Mike, sounds like you will have fun with it. Shame about the barlow and extension, that limits you to x33 so you won’t be able to see just how good the optics are at high power. The focuser size is fairly unique so not sure if you will find anything else that fits.

Anyway, still plenty of fun to be had with it, enjoy!

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