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Canon 20d vs 300d

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Hey guys,

Looking at getting my first DSLR. My partner has a 80d, but I'd rather grab my own to play with in case I drop it. Looking to just do some wide field shots, but also want to attach it to my 102 mak and when I get to it a 150 or 200pds.

Just curious as to opinions and pro and cons on the titled cameras (20d vs 300d) 

Thanks in advance

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I'd say a 40D or above.  The 70D has wifi, whilst it sounds like a gimmick, for wide field, it opens an opportunity to do day to night timelapses using the "holy grail" technique, or even "Holy trinity" technique.

Holy grail is where as the light levels drop, the exposure time is extended to capture more information, then once a certain level has been hit the ISO is bumped up to keep things going.

The trinity also adds opening the aperture of the lens into the mix to even better results.


I've got software for my iPhone called "Control my camera" that allows me to do this using the camera without having to modify anything.

Live view is a huge asset for getting things setup and focused quickly, though I sometimes still find taking exposures better.

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I would look at the 450D, 550D and the 600D as good entry level cameras especially if you are considering any AP with it, the 600D has the flippy screen which will be a big benefit when focusing with your Mak.


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Many years ago I used a 300D for astrophotography and it was slow to do anything, lots of buffer time. Very small screen and a very low MP count of around 6 mega pixels. Also lots of image noise! Look for a camera with live view, this will really help with focusing in a number of situations. Old Canon DLSR's with Live view include the 1000D, 1100D, 40D, and the 450D. 

I owned the 1100D and 40D, both of which are a massive upgrade compared to the 300D. 

Edited by Lockie
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