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The Great Conjunction tonight 20th Dec 2020

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No chance here in North Cornwall tonight, there's more chance of seeing the QE2 go past with all the rain we've had, even if you could see it through the mist and fog. Clear skies to anyone lucky enough to see the great conjunction tonight 

Edited by LeeHore7
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I did manage this yesterday though... I set the dslr up at around 4.45pm to try and image Jupiter and Saturn and at around 5pm they appeared between two banks of cloud for around 2 minutes. I had the 55mm lens on and couldn't separate them so had to go in to get my 70-300mm lens and took this image at 300mm, you can just make out two of Jupiters moons to the top left of it and one just on the right hand side of Jupiter. They are the same image one is just cropped in tighter. I have a series of 10 images (this is only one of them) but couldn't stack them in dss, pipp or as3, is there a way of manually stacking them? If I had longer imaging them I'd of liked to see what size lens would of got them as close without touching. 


To the naked eye you could only see one planet (star of Bethlehem) then they disappeared behind clouds and everything was dewing up.  This image you can see Jupiter is nice and round and that Saturn is appearing as an oval so pretty pleased at this effort and glad to of got something. 



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We weren't quite fast enough to see this. Saw a gap in the clouds, and my youngest son and I carried the 127 Mak through the house and set it up in the front drive just in time to see through the finder another bank of cloud swallow jupiter just as we centered it! 😠


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Hello: You would think here in Northern California it would be clear, NO! it is foggy and rain later on!

Fortunately last night it was clear and was impressed at the view with a 5"SCT using a 25mm and could have easily added more magnification and still have both planets in the same field.

The gods of the clouds have the upper hand. Oh well!

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This evening's BBC 6 O'clock news featured a filler article on the Conjunction  explaining how astronomers would be treated to a wonderful sight . They explained nicely how rare and beautiful it is was where and when we could see it . They then showed a photograph from the USA ! The UK I think is totally covered in cloud :( 


Edited by saac
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Hello: I was so wrong, the ugly valley fog lifted by noon and the clouds did not materialized nor the rain.

So my  neighbors had a very nice view for well over an hour with very few fluffy thin clouds.

It was not very different from the previous evening, but I could observe both planets in the same field of view of a 16mm. Could see three moons, but not sure if I could at least see Titan?None the less it was special.

Now it can rain and a lots of it would be good! ;- )

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