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Pelican & Cygnus Wall + Starless


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A re-edit of a recent image. About 6 hours data split between Ha and OIII using the ASI1600MM camera and Canon 400mm lens. Also tried a starless version of same image.






Edited by Z3roCool
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8 hours ago, Phillyo said:

This is awesome. I love seeing starless images, for me it really helps to bring out the structure of the nebula. Great processing, well done!

Thanks, yeah I agree. It really brings out the structure :)

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7 hours ago, Adreneline said:

Very nice indeed. I too am a fan of starless images and agree entirely with @Phillyo that it helps to reveal the structure of the nebula, which after all is the very thing we are trying to image!

Excellent job IMHO.


Thanks Adrian :)

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7 hours ago, PeterCPC said:

I have to disagree - I love the first image. To me starless images have no context.

Thanks Peter, I normally do not do Starless but sometimes on really detailed images I like to see what the nebula looks like on its own. I know what you mean though about no context :)

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3 hours ago, MartinB said:

That is a very moody, dramatic image.  Nicely done.  I like to see starless images but always prefer "final versions" to include stars, just like you have done here!

Thanks Martin :)

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I'm in for the star-full version. Not only for context -- density of stars gives a sense of depth, e.g. you can can visually see that the america's top is in fact a hole between obscure dust clouds ; So your first image is more 3D-ish :) ... always a matter of taste of course

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2 minutes ago, rotatux said:

I'm in for the star-full version. Not only for context -- density of stars gives a sense of depth, e.g. you can can visually see that the america's top is in fact a hole between obscure dust clouds ; So your first image is more 3D-ish :) ... always a matter of taste of course

Thanks. Absolutely, all a matter of taste :) I go between the 2...last night the starless was my favourite, today the star version :D

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All a matter of taste. So, I like both but.. I guess it's like toast. Now on one hand you can have your toast fully laden and in some cases completely masked.. you could be munching on a coaster!. On the other.. well dry toast is an acquired taste.. Me?.. I go for just the right balance of flavour and crunchy consistency.. so reduced stars on a nice nebulas canvas it is.           Unless it's marmite.. ah now.. do you really want peanut butter with that... hmmmm... 🤣

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