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Blind plate solving without internet (NINA)


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Hi all.

I'm getting my rig sorted for remote use, and am running a NUC on the scope, controlled from an indoor PC via RDP, using wifi via a dedicated router.

This set up has no internet access, so whilst plate solving using ASTAP is OK, it seems that most blind solving options require internet access; is there any way to blind solve without internet?

As per title, I'm using NINA.



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I'm not certain because I don't do Windows, but can't ASTAP use an external astrometry.net plate solver, which can then use local copies of the star catalogues and do plate solving on the machine itself?


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There is always astrotortilla which is a local copy of astrometry plate solver. Uses a PC Linux emulator and needs a lot of big data files to run blind solves. Though you can reduce the download if you know what cameras you will be using.

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If you read the documentation - as we all do dont we LOL - then reading the link below gives you aree the info you need - only comment is that ASTAP ,while fast, does NOT work at all when the image resultion if below 1300x800 (or there abouts) then I would say ASPS or ANSVR is your best bet.  DO NOT USE PS2 for Blind solving - as it correctly states in the Nina doc.

I would suggest you save or use some of your images in  day time testing if you install ASPS or ANSVR as getting the "index" files can be tricky if you want fast platesolving. The first link applies to ANSVR, Astrotortilla and ASPS even though it reders to Astrotortilla - Hint they ALL use the same routines.




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