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PC power source

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I can't image from home so I have to travel. Unfortunately I don't have regular access to power. So I've been looking and looking but I can't seem to find any way to power my laptop without a main power source. 


Are there any portable alternatives out there? 

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worth stating what laptop and its power requirements else its all a bit of a punt in the dark. Many need 19/19.5v some less and some need a smart-tip connector. There are some LiPo packs that will give 19v but a lot will depend on what the power draw is going to be in terms of how long they'll run for.

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A laptop is very power hungry. Have you considered an alternative like the ASIAir or a Raspberry Pi? Or a mini PC? If that's not an option then a leasure battery should do with one of those invertors than can bump 12v up to 19v or so for most laptops. I have one in my van so can charge up at work when not in the office. Something like this.



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1 hour ago, Pryce said:

Ah man. Thank you!  I have been looking (what feels like) everywhere without being able to find one! 

How much power do you need? I use a £33 powerbank to extend my laptop usage time by about 4 hours (plus however long the laptop battery lasts). It's about the size and weight of a small paperback book (or a Kindle for those wondering what  paperback is!) - a couple of those aren't too much of an issue to carry around if you only need to keep you laptop going through a single night.

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