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The Squid and Bat after 6 hours with RASA8


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3 hours ago, gorann said:

So, what about the colour of my Squid Olly?

Well, we're in the land of the guess now and I think you're 'in the zone' with the colour but, perhaps, towards the blue end of the zone? My estimate of OIII might nudge it to towards the green a touch but that's just me. You have strong signal for this strange object and, if the image were mine, I'd be more concerned to pull out more structure, if possible. In some of the deepest renditions we see something like a loosely wound coil spring along its length. An extended helix, if you like. I wonder if this might be latent in your data? I would explore this direction in Photoshop rather than PI. But what happens if you run LHE? I'm sure it would damage the global image but if just applied to the Squid?


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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

Well, we're in the land of the guess now and I think you're 'in the zone' with the colour but, perhaps, towards the blue end of the zone? My estimate of OIII might nudge it to towards the green a touch but that's just me. You have strong signal for this strange object and, if the image were mine, I'd be more concerned to pull out more structure, if possible. In some of the deepest renditions we see something like a loosely wound coil spring along its length. An extended helix, if you like. I wonder if this might be latent in your data? I would explore this direction in Photoshop rather than PI. But what happens if you run LHE? I'm sure it would damage the global image but if just applied to the Squid?


Never done LHE, I assume it is some Pi magic....

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11 minutes ago, gorann said:

Never done LHE, I assume it is some Pi magic....

In Ps, Noel's Actions 'Local Contrast Enhancement' will do a similar job, or you can do a masked stretch through an equalized mask. It's all down to increasing contrasts on a scale considerably larger than sharpening, though the principle is similar.


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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

In Ps, Noel's Actions 'Local Contrast Enhancement' will do a similar job, or you can do a masked stretch through an equalized mask. It's all down to increasing contrasts on a scale considerably larger than sharpening, though the principle is similar.


I am an addict to LCE in PS but never used LHE in PI, but now I have. Quite useful. Then I also tweaked it towards green in curves which also brought some more signal into it I think. So here is the more green and a bit more dynamic squid. Thanks for the tip Olly!

20201119-22 Squid RASAdualband PS32smallSign.jpg

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7 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

😄 There used to be a green grinning emoticon but that one will have to do!!!



2 hours ago, wimvb said:



Btw, they're still there, just last in a long, long list. But you've probably figured that out now. :wink:

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3 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Amomng teh best.   I especially like the surrounding region and the nebulosity at lower right

Thanks Rodd! Yes, that little squidling down to the right is a nice catch, usually ending up outside the frame of Squid images. I wonder if it has a name, or at least a number.

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  • 3 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Congratulations , just seen this image in Astronomy Now together with a write up by @ollypenrice extolling the virtues of colour CMOS ..   if I hadn't just bought one and seen what they can do I think  I'd need a lie down!


Yes, miracles still happen - I am not a subscriber but I was promised to get a copy. I think ZWO owes Olly and me a camera each:hello2:

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