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Bahtinov Focus Masks


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Hello all.

I am looking to get a Bahtinov mast and now FLO's website has the standard Starsharp version and the new william optics version.

The WO version claims to offer a much brighter spike image (3x as much) that lends itself to easier focusing. "However", it's quite a bit more expensive than the standard black acrylic version, almost 3 times as much.

On the face of it, it does sound very good. Has anyone tried both versions and is it worth the extra?

This is the new William Optics version https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bahtinov-focus-masks/william-optics-bahtinov-mask-for-dew-shield-diameter-105mm-to-148mm.html

I have been caught out before with the buy cheap and buy twice thing, so eager to avoid this again.



Edited by bomberbaz
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I bought a starsharp mask recently to replace an old starsharp mask that I accidentally broke. The old one was plastic and felt sturdy, well...... until I trod on it ! The new one is different, it looks more like layered cardboard or some sort of fibre board ? It does the job fine but in the back of my mind I am wondering if it will be as durable as the old one ?

Edited by Spaced Out
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EDIT  :   re Spaced Out  "I bought a starsharp mask recently to replace an old starsharp mask that I accidentally broke"


I have 1 of the new style masks , I find them very durable

(just as well since slewing scope and forgetting to remove the mask has seen it bounce on the floor 🙄 )


I believe the new ones are made from waterproofed MDF  (ie wood fibre not polluting plastic), and I would say just as robust or even more so.

I do have an older style one as well for my 80mm, cant say I see a lot of difference between the 2.

Edited by fifeskies
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1 hour ago, Spaced Out said:

I bought a starsharp mask recently to replace an old starsharp mask that I accidentally broke. The old one was plastic and felt sturdy, well...... until I trod on it ! The new one is different, it looks more like layered cardboard or some sort of fibre board ? It does the job fine but in the back of my mind I am wondering if it will be as durable as the old one ?


1 hour ago, fifeskies said:

I have 1 of the new style masks , I find them very durable

(just as well since slewing scope and forgetting to remove the mask has seen it bounce on the floor 🙄 )


I believe the new ones are made from waterproofed MDF  (ie wood fibre not polluting plastic), and I would say just as robust or even more so.

I do have an older style one as well for my 80mm, cant say I see a lot of difference between the 2.

Not sure if you understand my original post but i was not referring to the old/new starsharp masks but to the starsharp mask and the william optics masks. I have added a link to the OP.


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I was referring to the post by Spaced Out where he said   

"I bought a starsharp mask recently to replace an old starsharp mask that I accidentally broke"

his post was immediately above mine so I thought it was clear enough that I was adding to his observations about the old and new StarSharp types

sorry for any confusion   (have edited my original post to clarify I am referring to the StarSharp type only)

I have not used one of the WO clear plastic Bahtinov masks

Edited by fifeskies
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1 hour ago, bomberbaz said:


Not sure if you understand my original post but i was not referring to the old/new starsharp masks but to the starsharp mask and the william optics masks. I have added a link to the OP.


Yep, understood that, just thought you might like to know that the starsharps don’t appear to be plastic anymore, that's all. As for WO masks, I have zero experience of those, sorry.

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I can't answer your original question entirely as I have not used the new William Optics version, although I recall a comment in an Astrobackyard video review of a WO scope that he liked it the Bahtinov mask because it let through more light of the focus star.  

That said, I have one of the Starsharp masks and generally don't have any issues with it.  I focused last night on Polaris without any problems.  

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