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Good Beginner Astronomy Book - Recommendations???

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Hello all,

Just looking to see if there are any recommendations for a book for new starters to astronomy?

It might sound a bit vague but just seeing if anyone has a go to ‘bible’ they use a lot or started out with.

Something that perhaps give tips and pointers about telescopes, binoculars and how different equipment (eye pieces, etc.) will make an impact. Also about good times of the year to see what etc.

Looking forward to hearing your ideas :) 


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Turn left at orion, pretty much a staple, I love my copy of the book and helps me very much, maybe a subscription to the BBC sky at night magazine, I love it when I get my delivered and can't wait to read it, also if you have can use the stellarium website or app, will help you greatly to see ehat's in the sky at certain time in your location, not a book I know though, clear skies 

Edited by LeeHore7
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Astronomy, a textbook from Openstax: https://openstax.org/details/books/astronomy

The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, and rich illustrations.

Well over a thousand pages. A good introduction to the many fields of  astronomy. This book is free.




Edited by Ruud
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Hello Maggie,

another vote for Turn Left at Orion. If you're still not convinced, have a look at a preview on [your preferred online bookseller], or see the accompanying website, which includes downloadable lists of the objects mentioned in the book.

You haven't said much about your context, but if you have significant light pollution at your normal viewing location then you might also like to look at The Urban Astronomer's Guide. It covers the same kinds of introductory topic as other books (types of telescope/mount/eyepiece, useful accessories, software, major suppliers, observational techniques) but from the perspective of an observer in a polluted area. The majority of the book is a seasonal guide to objects that can be seen (sometimes only with a fair bit of persistence) from such locations, using a modest telescope. The selection is aimed at northern hemisphere observers, though note the author is american, so with any luck you can ignore the advice on how to avoid getting shot by any police who come across you in a lay-by at 1 a.m.


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Fully agree with Zermelo here.

  1. "Turn left at Orion" +1
  2. "The urban astronomer's guide" +1

And I also would add "Stars" by H.A. Rey just for the marvellous Part IV on the "why's and how's" (polar star - latitude, ecliptic and seasons, time-zones, etc). I found the explanations in that book to be really helpful on my understanding of the sky.

The only complain I have about TLAO is the sheer size of it, but as long as you're not planning carrying it around it should be fine. I seem to remember there was a smaller size version available, but can't really remember.

As for TUAG, I really liked the explanations on how different factors affect the quality of the sky, and also one learns so much about light pollution, how different types of street lights make certain filters needed/useless, etc.

Edited by kosmoplan
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