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Auriga Widefield SHO Narrowband


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I recently 'discovered' this fascinating Auriga region in the night sky and am absolutely amazed at the huge Ha regions that look like footballs in space. I've seen high resolution images of the Flaming Star Nebula and also the 'Tadpoles region in IC410 framed individually, but when you see everything together in this wide field context and including the two Messier open star clusters, for me makes this hobby so worth all the effort.
Having done more research and now realise that the huge 'Simeis 147; "Spaghetti Nebula"' is just next door, this could turn into a mosaic project as the FOV using the Samyang is a very good fit for this target. As per the images of this same area posted earlier this week from @Adreneline

I started this image last Friday and apart from Saturday, I have been out until 4am, 2am,3am and a complete marathon session Sunday-Monday until 5:30am,  so tonight, thanks to the huge moon, I'm had time to work on the processing and will have an early night. I captured about 16hours of subs, but today I culled nearly 7 hrs worth as high cloud and cloud of the more persistent opaque kind have been a constant issue getting data for this image - the regular chime of PHD2 informing me it lost its guide star constantly interrupted the imaging sessions. It was also frustrating that just as the moon began to set and I was ready to start an Oiii session, clouds rolled in...........

Samyang 135mm @F2
Optilong Ha, Sii, Oiii 7nm filters
Guided using a ZWO miniguide scope and ASI120MM Mini
resolution 6.02acrsec/pixel
AZ-EQ6GT Mount

In my Ha image there is a huge amount of Ha region linking IC405 and IC410 that I have not seen in many images, I did not push the Ha that much although it was my best data set with 4.6hrs of data.
Ha - 4.6hrs, 70 240s subs
Oiii - 2.8hrs, 42 240s subs
Sii - 2.5hrs, 37 240s subs

A 10hr image
All taken at Gain 200 Offset 50

I have posted the Ha image below as well to indicate the amount of Ha in this region

Its been quite difficult to process and I split the processing between PI and Photoshop, I used a starless combination method using StarNet+, a process called tone mapping - it resulted in a very garish colour palette , so I also used the PS plugin Annies Actions and then did a bit of layer masking and blending and used a deconvolved 'superLum' as L layer to put in the detail - so not a science project but this is the resultant image.

Thanks for having a look,



The Ha



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I agree - wide field imaging can be very rewarding as well as revealing.

I really like using my Canon 200mm as well as the Samyang 135mm. I keep having wayward thoughts about buying another 1600 so I can have both going at the same time.

One advantage of the CEM25-EC has been that I don't have to guide, at least up to 180s at these sort of focal lengths, so no more warning beeps and suspended sessions thanks to PHD/SGP. I just push on taking images and dump the bad ones the next morning!

Thanks for sharing.


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