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Mars 22/23rd Oct 2020


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It was clear at 8pm- had a nice view of Moon and the Gas giants snuggled up together so the evening looked promising. Still clear when I got home but by the time Id set up there was almost complete cloud cover. I nearly packed up again but a small opening to the SW persuaded me and eventually I had a good 2 or 3 hours of fabulous Mars. We seem to be back to where I started sketching with Valles Marineris central- a finger on a hand like dark formation. SPC was prominent too unlike last time I observed. Lots of intricate detail and shading in the dark and light regions- possibly the most interesting phase of Mars visually. My sketch isn’t correct- i’ve got the dark features too equatorial- they should have mostly been in S hemisphere (top half) but i think i got the forms ok.



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Nice sketch Mark - some interesting details.  Looks and sounds like you had a good session after your patience with the clouds. :thumbright:

I had more cloud than was forecast but I persevered too and had some good clear spells.  However very little surface detail was revealing itself despite nice rock steady images.  I got nothing but the south polar cap, some whiteness at the north fringes and a squareish star shaped darker smudge filling the southern hemisphere.  Amazing how seeing conditions vary from place to place.

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Thanks Glob, it is odd isn’t it how even without apparent atmospheric turbulence some days it’s clear and others a bit mushy. I guess it must be atmospheric turbulence or dirty air that’s breaking up the image without really looking turbulent? I got lucky tonight- it was very clear earlier on then degraded a bit later on. Hope you get better luck next time!

I tried to correct the errors in the pencil sketch in this from memory/based upon colour version



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Excellent sketches Mark :thumbright:

I was observing on and off (in tune with the cloud cover !) with my 12 inch dob last night and saw similar details for a while, which you have captured excellently. Those dark "promontories" sticking out into the paler areas were rather nice features last night.

As you found, the seeing took a dive later and the surface features became much vaguer.

I wondered if the south polar cap was actually a little larger last night than the last time I observed Mars ?


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55 minutes ago, John said:

Excellent sketches Mark :thumbright:

I was observing on and off (in tune with the cloud cover !) with my 12 inch dob last night and saw similar details for a while, which you have captured excellently. Those dark "promontories" sticking out into the paler areas were rather nice features last night.

As you found, the seeing took a dive later and the surface features became much vaguer.

I wondered if the south polar cap was actually a little larger last night than the last time I observed Mars ?


I also think the SPC was a little larger last night

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Thanks Dweller and John :)

2 hours ago, John said:

I wondered if the south polar cap was actually a little larger last night than the last time I observed Mars ?

I think it must have- it was much more noticeable than last time i saw it which was only a few days prior. Astonishing to think just how dynamic Mars’ ice caps are being largely CO2!


1 hour ago, vineyard said:

Lovely sketches.  Did the polarising filters experiment work?

Thanks Vin! Well I tried them for the first time last night- seeing was good but not quite up to Thursday night. I was a little disappointed ☹️ They didn’t really do what i’d hoped they’d do. I’d noticed when thin clouds drift across Mars sometimes for a fleeting moment the whole S hemisphere darkened relative to the N- just like in the amazing photos others have taken. All the polarisers did was darken everything and whilst that might be useful- I need to play some more- it wasn’t what I’d hoped for and I felt I saw more without them. I wonder if it may be an eye adjustment thing and that if you could flick a switch and have the image suddenly darken them the contrast would become more apparent- maybe an lcd nd that pulsed on and off so you got that contrast 🤔 I reckon anything you put in the light path must have some negative effect on image quality/sharpness though. Not a waste of money though- should be useful for Moon :)


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5 minutes ago, markse68 said:

if you could flick a switch and have the image suddenly darken

I've pondered getting a filter slider...
...so you can slide a filter in and out while looking through the eyepiece.
Trouble is it will need a slight focus tweak too so won't be as immediate as we'd like.  
I might still try it though..... ?

Don't give up on your 2 filters trick - I often find some nights are better with and others better without filters - so keep trying for a while longer.

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17 minutes ago, globular said:

I've pondered getting a filter slider...
...so you can slide a filter in and out while looking through the eyepiece.
Trouble is it will need a slight focus tweak too so won't be as immediate as we'd like.  
I might still try it though..... ?

Don't give up on your 2 filters trick - I often find some nights are better with and others better without filters - so keep trying for a while longer.

Nice idea Glob- if you could get square filters and use 2- one clear and one nd then you’d avoid the focus tweaking but i’m afraid in my scope at least the wobble induced would ruin the view. Maybe a fast acting motorised filter wheel could do it 🤔

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34 minutes ago, procky1845 said:

@markse68 we must have been out sketching at the same time. Your view is basically the same as mine. Always nice to get a double confirmation of what you've seen. 😀


Almost! I think you must have been sketching a bit earlier than me :) Nice sketch Procky 👍

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