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Mars 20th October 2020


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This observation was made quite early in the evening when Mars hadn't risen high enough for a stable view. At first glance there appeared to be very little to see but some vague shade, but with prolonged observation the detail started to show. I've observed Mars for many years and its probably my favourite planet as its a challenging object that generally rewards the patient observer. This apparition however, and despite it's large apparent size, the planet's normally obvious features seem to be quite subdued. I don't follow Martian weather reports but may be there is some fine dust in the planet's atmosphere that's acting like a veil? Whatever the reason, I've struggled this time round to get a real wow night on Mars.

The sketch below shows the view of Margaretifer Sinus from last night. The sketch was made using a prism diagonal, so you may need to flip the image to relate it to a reflector view.


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Good depiction describing the surface from an early evening observation perspective. I gained an opportunity to observe late on, variable as with yourself, but became steady particularly around 12.30am. As with your sketch, the south polar cap was bright, there were three prominent darkly contrasting mottled features within the southern hemisphere, I think that these would have been Solis Lacus, Phaethontis and Chrysokeras. Very much stll learning, therefore sketches and images have been helpful references. 

Edited by scarp15
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Nice sketch, as usual Mike.  What has particularly caught my attention with Mars this year is that every detailed report seems to include more and more named features that I've never heard of, let alone seen!       🙂 

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23 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

Nice sketch, as usual Mike.  What has particularly caught my attention with Mars this year is that every detailed report seems to include more and more named features that I've never heard of, let alone seen!       🙂 

And none of them look anything like they should according to the maps! I get the feeling Mars is a very transient object with its winds etc reshaping it year by year

 Caught first glimpse in a while last night and it was stunning- I think the best i’ve seen and it’s currently at a very interesting phase with loads of interestingly shaped dark areas and a very prominent spc. 🤞 forecast is looking promising for tonight

Lovely sketch Mike :)

Edited by markse68
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