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Cleaning Refractor Objective

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Does anyone have any methods/tips for cleaning the objective on my frac, please. The last thing I want is to end up doing something I’ll regret.  By the looks of this image it seems as though it could use a cleaning. Having said that, the views are great, should I just leave it? I am accustomed to letting reflectors father dust and advising against cleaning small amounts of dust off mirrors. This being my first frac I’m not sure to what degree the image may be affected by dust on small aperture lenses.

Thanks to all.


Edited by Sunshine
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I'm normally in the "leave well alone" camp but this objective does look ready for a clean.  Whatever you do, don't  wipe it with a dry cloth or dry anything!  The deposit appears to be dust so should clean ok.     🙂

Edited by Peter Drew
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Don't forget to brush off any loose FOD, (foreign object debris), first with a camel hair or other fine soft brush first! ...and apply the fluid to the cloth. If you spray the fluid directly to the glass, some of it may seep into the cell.

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Great stuff, thanks for the reply, im sure the optical wonder is great but, i was always hesitant to rub optics with cloths, will this fluid leave any residue or film? wipe marks which will be an issue in any way?

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Thanks to all, before i order online i will call my local scope store to see if they carry it as he carries many Baader products, i could have easily called him first but i wanted to get opinions on the many different products which im sure you've all used before. It seems like wonder fluid is the one to get.

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One thing I’ve started doing is using a manual blower at the start and end of every observing session on telescope and eyepieces - even if it’s a 5 minute solar session. It’s so easy and it significantly lengthens the period of time between major cleans. I mostly use Zeiss wipes for eyepieces, but Baader fluid is very good for dissolving pollen and other nasties.

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I second the use of a camel hair brush. I use a wonderfully soft, rouge "mop" from the makeup department.
Kept in a clear, tubular container to help keep it clean and to avoid ever touching the bristles.

I wonder why we don't use blowers more?  I plan to use my hair drier on my optics as a routine before starting every solar imaging session.
The dew which arrives on the optics from opening up the observatory after a cold night attracts lots of dust!
The warmth clears the glass quickly and probably helps to shift some of the muck without physical contact and before it sticks.
Your lens looks much like my optics usually do! :blush:



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17 hours ago, Highburymark said:

One thing I’ve started doing is using a manual blower at the start and end of every observing session on telescope and eyepieces - even if it’s a 5 minute solar session. It’s so easy and it significantly lengthens the period of time between major cleans. I mostly use Zeiss wipes for eyepieces, but Baader fluid is very good for dissolving pollen and other nasties.

I agree Mark.  I've used a large rubber blower for a long time.  I use it at the end of each session with my refractors, and the eyepieces I've been using.  Even if the lenses look clean,  there can be pesky pollen and other foreign bodies on the lenses that you can't see. As a result, I very rarely have to clean the objectives (once or possibly twice a year?), and when I do I use Baader Fluid.

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