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ASI Studio advice please

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Hi All, I've just got an ASI 120MC camera which I plan to use for lunar and planetary imaging. I've successfully downloaded the drivers and Studio and connected the camera to Studio. I'm completely new to imaging so I'm clueless from here on! I've not been able to find much in the way of guidance as to settings in Studio as ZWO don't offer a tutorial (they promise to offer something in the future). The best I've been able to find is a rapid youtube video about ASICAP. Does anyone know if there's anything on the web or on this site which gives guidence on settings in Studio?



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If you are doing planetary imaging then you want to use video (AVI). Select planetary in Studio and then play with the exposure and gain. Try during the day but remember that the exposure will be very small. Alternatively you could use Sharpcap.


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I'd advice you to use Sharpcap instead, it's a much better software and you will find more info about how to use it.
In Sharpcap you should use the .ser format for planetary videos, .avi is very outdated while .ser is made just for planetary imaging.
For stacking Autostakkert is the best choice, but for editing Registax is still a good choice.

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21 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

If you are doing planetary imaging then you want to use video (AVI). Select planetary in Studio and then play with the exposure and gain. Try during the day but remember that the exposure will be very small. Alternatively you could use Sharpcap.



3 minutes ago, Xplode said:

I'd advice you to use Sharpcap instead, it's a much better software and you will find more info about how to use it.
In Sharpcap you should use the .ser format for planetary videos, .avi is very outdated while .ser is made just for planetary imaging.
For stacking Autostakkert is the best choice, but for editing Registax is still a good choice.

Thanks Peter and Ole. I'll try Sharpcap. As you say there's a lot more advice out there about using it.

Clear skies!

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4 minutes ago, Neil H said:

Hi i tried ASL studio i could not get on with it so use what the guys have said and it works really well 

Hi Neil, yup I'm watching a Sharpcap youtube video now and there seems to lots more out there. BTW I've been banged up with sciatica for the last month so I've had all the time to check this stuff out!


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8 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

You can use Sharpcap for DSO imaging as well.


My viewing site isn't ideal: through a loft window in central Cardiff and no autoguiding!  It's south facing so really good for the moon and hopefully Mars too. So I'll be sticking to the (I hope) easier stuff.


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31 minutes ago, MartinHiggins said:

My viewing site isn't ideal: through a loft window in central Cardiff and no autoguiding!  It's south facing so really good for the moon and hopefully Mars too. So I'll be sticking to the (I hope) easier stuff.


Should be ok for the Orion Nebula then.


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Hi Martin

I've just bought the same camera.

I've not taken it to the observatory yet but I've had it running with each of the three programs in the ASI Studio suite on my desk.

When I first turned it on I had just a dark screen. Both online and the info slip said things about USB data rate. However I found that if you unplugged it and plugged it in again it worked OK.

AWO say they are working on a comprehensive manual and will be continuously improving the software. If it works well I intend to stick with this. It seems OK, but like you I could do with some explanations. I'm sure if I was familiar with the other software available it would be no problem.

I had a video camera some time ago which only showed bright objects well. Recently I went online and found Video Astronomy was now called EAA or EEA so I started looking at cameras. I wanted an ASI 533 but was persuaded by my pocket and some experienced people to start with this model. So I've dived in and am praying that it shows a lot more than my video camera did.

If it is clear tonight I will be trying it out. I'll post my comments.

Good luck


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I'm a relative astronomy beginner and just bought a 2nd hand ASI290.  I found the ZWO software difficult.  But Sharpcap worked fairly well.

only my second time using it last night, I managed to get a pleasing capture of Mars


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1 hour ago, MartinHiggins said:

Hi Ted, I've downloaded Sharpcap, Astrostakker and Registax today and also looked at a heap of youtube videos on how to use them. Couldn't find anything about Studio except zwo feeble offering.


I contacted ZWO a while back regarding some instructions for their ASIStudio software, they said it was on its way !, still waiting. By the way, Sharpcap  has in my opinion an overloaded UI , and can be a bit 'fussy' regarding Star Count , not as easy as some folk state ! ,ASI studio is a lot more forgiving and easier to use for both EAA & DSO, as well as plans to developed it further into a comprehensive imaging software, I haven't used ASIcap yet so cant advice on that.



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