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Buying of used scope

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Hello Guys,

In my previous thread I have received a few very useful tips which helped me to decide what kind of scope and mount should I pick as my first setup for astrophotography. It's gonna be the Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED DS-Pro & HEQ5 PRO mount.

Due to it's unavailability in EU stores or even if I can find it somewhere prices are veeeeery high I have started to consider to buy it 2nd hand, but I am a bit afraid of getting something faulty. Even if I would pick it up personally my lack of experience in this matter could cause I will be left with faulty scope or mount.

Usually it is 4-5 years old equipment in very good condition as per sellers, but who knows.

My question is: is it safe and what should I pay attention to? What should I be aware of? What kind of additional questions should I ask seller to be more secured?

Thanks for your tips,

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In my experience we astronomers look after our kits really well so there should be no problem saying that it's best to ask questions why are they selling it how long have they had it how many times has it been used that should give you an idea of the person selling it. 

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if it's possible then not a bad idea to go view the gear and have the seller show you it working. That way you can inspect the lens and focuser to see it is all in good order before bidding/parting with cash. Tho in the current climate this may not be too easy of course.

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'The bay' is unfortunately sometimes where gear ends up up that has not been looked after and prices can be silly.
There are honest people selling there, but you need to look out. You need to know what problems to look for, because they may be present.

The 'for sale' on this site always gets my attention first.
The folks posting here are generally honest. Just take a look at open descriptions of scratches, dust inside, paint chips, etc.
You can identify the seller and look at their posting history.
If you collect you usually find a very helpful seller who will talk you through the equipment setup and use.

Why not post a 'wanted' on this site and see what comes up?

HTH, David.

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The vast majority of my astro gear has been purchased used. And I have had no real problems going down this route. Have a look at the gear and of course have a look through the scope. Get the owner to get the mount to operate if possible. Take your time and go through a few basic checks , but usually astro gear has been well looked after . And purchasing used can save you a small fortune and you can get some real high quality gear at very sensible money.



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Thank you Guys for all your replies. Most likely I won't be able to check it personally before buy as I live in Ireland and most of those equipment comes from UK.

@Carbon Brush by "The bay" you mean eBay, astrobuysell or both? Btw. what other places you guys might recommend to check for 2nd hand astro equipment? I have posted in "Wanted". Thank you for this tip as well.  

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Yes I mean ebay. Occasionally items come up there that get included in SGL threads for amusement. Shed finds that are extremely corroded described as needing 'slight attention'. Descriptions of scopes with 8 foot mirrors and more. The incorrectly assembled scopes being a dead giveaway of the sellers knowledge.
But there are sometimes decent scopes from honest sellers. These can appear in SGL threads as a heads up.

Astrobuysell gives less opportunity than SGL to identify the seller and check history. Sometimes a seller will include a real name, SGL name, etc.
I have bought a lot from there with little problems. A phone chat, maybe more than one, and extra photos are a good idea.

Sometimes sellers put 'collection only' in their adverts because of the problems of packing for shipping, or arranging shipping.
It is always worth asking about shipping in case you can help them out.
For example I have a couple of times bought 'collection only' using UPS to collect a parcel that the seller has packed. Emailing the shipping labels to the seller.
I regularly arrange shipping for work, so the effort of going through the 99 questions (including grandmothers maiden name) for remote pickup is familiar territory.
I also have a few flight cases in the shed that are battered, but solid. I would happily (costing me less than £10) ship one to a seller, including bubble wrap, parcel tape and address labels.
All the seller has to do is sensibly pack using the materials provided, close the case, lock it using the supplied cable ties, then put the labels on.

On shipping, be wary of the insurance, or lack of. Some carriers in effect say anything glass=no cover. Making no distinction between a refractor in a transport case and a chandelier in a carrier bag.
Some carriers say anything used is worth only scrap value of a few ££ per tonne. Regardless of actual condition. And yes they still charge you for the insurance.
I could tell several stories of incomptentent carriers and how they avoid insurance payout.
We have the situation at work now where we have shipping insurance as part of the company general insurance.
I generally regard carrier insurance as not being worth the paper it is written on. The UK Post Office are more upfront about cover and have always (in my experience) paid up on a lost parcel - eventually.

If you do a bit of research you should be OK buying remotely.
I have bought quite a bit of kit with only a cursory glance if the seller seems honest. Maybe I am stupid? Lucky? Good judge of character?
I think that in the astronomy community most people are basically honest. Though not everyone.
Much of my collection, since the early 2000s, has been bought secondhand. Allowing me to 'play' then move it on with little net loss.

I once sold a scope to Ireland. An Orion Optics 200 newtonian - and it arrived intact.

Keep asking the questions and keep looking.


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95% of my purchases have been from SGL as @Carbon Brush states should help you out. I've even had on two occasions SGL sellers sending me the items to check out before paying for. For me anything 2nd hand I would source on here as it will have been well looked after or if any minor issues  it would have been stated.

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And if you pay with PayPal (but not Friends and Family) you get additional cover in case things go wrong. You can always offer to add the extra charges to the total if the seller only want to use Friends and Family to avoid having to pay the charges. 

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@Carbon Brush thank you for your effort replying me. I have some experience with couriers as well, but any additional tips related particularly to shipping of/buying remotely astro equipment are more than welcome. 

In general I am very glad that I have found this board (for newbie it wasn't so easy to find correct place). Please keep fingers crossed I will be able to find also equipment of my pick soon. In general I would prefer to buy new from FLO as I have spoken with their support and they were very honest and helpful plus prices are ok'ish what has convinced me to leave my money there, but unfortunately no ones know when it could be available because of pandemic related delays. Some ppl get used to say "sky won't escape you" but you know how it is :) Especially when it gives me opportunity to think about 2nd hand equipment what could let me to save some money as well.

@fozzybear Ireland

@Pixies yes, I am aware of it. Thank you.

Cheers Guys,


Edited by raf2020
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