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Back behind the eyepiece


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Dedicated to Nick (cotterless45) who has recently assisted me in getting back behind the eyepiece!


Starting with a Skywatcher 114p I very quickly got the bug sometime way back when... Amazed at what I could see from as many dark sites as I could visit I was hooked.

I very quickly moved on to buying great second hand equipment (almost every week) from this forum, eBay and AstroB&S I was even lucky enough to be persuaded with a mate to start a stargazing social club at work and use some of the club funds to buy a 200 Dob and a 200 motorised on an EQ5 and EP's. Unbelievable hunting and viewing continued.

Then my first Starparty in the Peaks where I had the great fortune to tent up next to Nick... I never used my own little scope that weekend and was given skytours, much banter, vodka and a new insight into the world of the Astro nuts


I lived in a first floor flat so viewing was always an epic, getting all the equipment down and into the car everytime I wanted to try to observe... Many rubbish nights with cloud, no location etc. solo observing is not always great when it goes bad

During those years my interest came and went, I got into buying bargains and selling unwanted stuff - I look back at the pictures of great scopes I used to own... 🙂 But in general I found I was only ever using my weapon of choice every time I went out, so everything else was just sat there gathering dust.


I'm lucky in that since retirement I've travelled a fair bit. I've seen the southern hemisphere several times and in one amazing twist of fate ended up on Mauna Kea Hawaii where through this forum arranged to meet HiloDon and the team... A truly Mind Blowing experience with views we can only dream of based here in the UK. Very difficult to make out the constellations the sky is so full of stars, and almost straight from sunset 🙂 One of the things you realise is that many of the Messier objects are visible there with the naked eye. I've also been to Sark where the stars looks like diamonds so bright against the dark night sky backdrop

Why this story then?

Well I wanted to share the feeling of an amatuer observer in that even if you fall off the observing wagon for months or even years, it's just as magical as it was in the beginning when you get back behind the Eye Piece! and people like Nick are always there willing to share their knowledge skills and coffee

Having just moved to a house with a garden before lock down I made the effort to visit Nick and receive some Astro inspiration! Following my reintroduction - I set up the other night and enjoyed the planets and a few old favorites through the Equinox Pro... The Astro kit I researched for ages on and bought is still amazing gear for which I am really blessed... 

I think I will have to pave a square of the lawn for a new observing pitch, but how exciting and lucky am I to be Back behind the eyepiece...

Cheers Nick...








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1 hour ago, Highburymark said:

Excellent post! May you have many great sessions to come.
You might find that you get better views without a paved area - particularly if it’s absorbed a lot of heat during the day. 

grass is kinder on dropped eps too! Great that you’re rekindling the flame Nick- clear skies to you!

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10 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Excellent post! May you have many great sessions to come.
You might find that you get better views without a paved area - particularly if it’s absorbed a lot of heat during the day. 

Thanks for that advice... I’m not going to need much encouragement to leave the grass to be fair 🙂 

Its like a carpet right now 

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A great scope to get back into the hobby with too. One day I may be able to afford one! 😉

Nick helped put my tent up when I was about to start throwing things at it and showed me M51 for the first time through his 8" reflector. His pencil astro sketch book is a big 'un, bring coffee if he pulls it out. 😁


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21 hours ago, Patbloke said:

Then my first Starparty in the Peaks where I had the great fortune to tent up next to Nick... I never used my own little scope that weekend and was given skytours, much banter, vodka and a new insight into the world of the Astro nuts

Hi Pat, I'm pretty sure I was tented the other side of you at that star party ........was your missus with you?...apologies if I'm wrong. I too took a break for a few years for various reasons but I've been back for nearly 12 months and loving it all over again??.....enjoy

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On 21/09/2020 at 10:34, Jiggy 67 said:

Hi Pat, I'm pretty sure I was tented the other side of you at that star party ........was your missus with you?...apologies if I'm wrong. I too took a break for a few years for various reasons but I've been back for nearly 12 months and loving it all over again??.....enjoy

Did you have the solar scope? I hadn't got out of my car and I was invited over to look through?

Yes, it's a different Mrs nowadays... I'm looking forward to many more nights outside, and who knows one day maybe even another Star Party

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Nick (Cotterless45)  is an inspiration to anyone who is interested in this hobby like you he has helped me enormously to the degree I look forward to getting out now and viewing objects. 

I was freewheeling not going for the right targets once put on the right road I am enjoying this hobby. 

I would love to get a look through your scope maybe one day we can line up with yours Nick's C6r and my Meade 5" to compare the views. 


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