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Had to have a go at the comet and got a bonus of a satellite flare as well.
I knew the LP was going to be a problem but quite pleased.

Canon 6D MK2, EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II @ 70mm, f/4 ISO 800 with a 36sec exposure.
The whole lot on my Ioptron Skytracker Pro loosely polar aligned.


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What a sight it must be without the LP.

It's great to see so many having a go at the comet, first bit of AP that I have done in 2years.

Only thing, I found out there is another ruddy great floodlight on a house two doors away, lights
up several gardens. Think I'm sticking to my hamradio from now on the AP is a thing of the past. 🥴

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Time of photos was approx 23:04 and 23:11 UTC.

I used my Star tracker as 70mm does'nt give very long before trailing.

I found it could track to easily 60secs without trails and just sighting Polaris in the hole.

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52 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

I'm seeing the ionised tail split on my mobile so I'll look at your image later on the pc. Very nice.

I could'nt wring anymore out of it with the LP, just to bright.


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Haven't got a picture yet, but it is quite clearly visible to the naked eye, I can view it from SE Kent, looking North(ish) straight up the North Sea, oddly enough while trying to find it, I spotted a small but very bright meteor which kind of accidentally passed and kind of burnt out at the point that Neowise is visible, afterr that  just a scan across the general area with unaided eyes and the tail is fairly obvious, it does look good through my telescope and is my first comet viewing so really pleased. As a bonus the ISS flew overhead too(but more NW), it was a brilliant accidental vieiwng. I made a fumbling attempt to capture with my phone and telescope but that didn't work. I will try again very soon now I know where it is and use proper camera(stay away clouds).

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Yes, it was around about that time(if memory serves me), it was very bright, also early this morning(22/7) looking at the comet through some 10x25 binos(I always have them at hand) the comet looks quite impressive(although I will get the 15x70s on it, which should be great I imagine), that would also be about 1-2am, there were some neighbouring garden lights on so the LP was a bit problematic.

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I had poor luck with NEOWISE due to generally cloudy skies. So I took a punt last week (23/7), setting up a camera pointing to where I thought the comet would be, and was lucky when the clouds dispersed for a few minutes, and got a bunch of 15 second exposures!


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