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I have been really inactive here, so apologies.

Here are a few images of the Solar Eclipse, happened on 21 June 2020. It was annular, but partial from Mumbai region (around 60% covered). Maximum phase of the eclipse was at around 11:30 a.m. IST.

This is actually onset of our 4-5 months of monsoon season, so getting decent skies was a tough part. Luckily got decent cleared patches here and there with occasional rains.

I had to use whatever I had to make a comfortable view of the eclipse, thanks to the lockdown.

I simply took a box, made a whole of the size of the eyepiece on one end, cut the opposite side and attached a paper. I had to do little bit here and there attachments for perfect angle. But was really happy with the results. 
One of the best experience was when I was seeing the Sun while it was drizzling at the same time.

-Rhushikesh Deshpande.





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