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  1. Thanks all for responses! For future comments (if there is any), I might make a different point. Under clear skies, can we consider a functioning telescope just like a science lab? And then combine all the things like history etc. Many of us are kind of used to the astronomy that we might not consider how it is for someone who has never looked at the sky or through a telescope and only exposure is little bit of science literature.
  2. Hello! I do not know whether this is the right place or should I put this question in other section. I am into Astronomy since last 7 years and currently planning for a few Astronomy outreach activities in my region (India), specific for rural/underprivileged schools and colleges, which might require funding from local govt. But, everywhere, I get one specific question that "what is the use of Astronomy?" And I can't just give generic answer like science popularization etc. So my question is, are there any research work, statistical work done in your region or that you know of which look into impact of Astronomy at school-college level students, like improved academic performance etc. e.g. International Astronomical Union page mentions that exposure to Astronomy at adolescence years gets more students pursuing science and technology as career. When I visited San Jose, US, I saw way more planetariums compared to the size of the city. Here, we only have one mainstream planetarium, even though it is quite large and active. As long as what I am seeing, many European countries have many active Astronomy clubs compared to the population and maybe that's why there is more exposure for the students. Thanks in advance! I am not writing any paper or something, just want a concrete answer to why should we show the stars to others.
  3. Hello! I am looking for variable star databse using which I can practice star light curves in spreadsheet programs. I am doing this as my statistics project where I can do visualization, little bit of error reduction etc. I did see a few ones like AAVSO, but they either need some specific job title or specific star etc. I need something to have in general, like here is the data-choose what star option you want etc. Thanks!
  4. Hello! I have been really inactive here, so apologies. Here are a few images of the Solar Eclipse, happened on 21 June 2020. It was annular, but partial from Mumbai region (around 60% covered). Maximum phase of the eclipse was at around 11:30 a.m. IST. This is actually onset of our 4-5 months of monsoon season, so getting decent skies was a tough part. Luckily got decent cleared patches here and there with occasional rains. I had to use whatever I had to make a comfortable view of the eclipse, thanks to the lockdown. I simply took a box, made a whole of the size of the eyepiece on one end, cut the opposite side and attached a paper. I had to do little bit here and there attachments for perfect angle. But was really happy with the results. One of the best experience was when I was seeing the Sun while it was drizzling at the same time. Thanks! -Rhushikesh Deshpande.
  5. Wish I was that lucky!!! I might have to put a full disc front erf...have to show the sun to people so can't take any risk.
  6. Sadly I have read so many bad reviews that I am on andthe off about it. With currency difference and import taxes, I have to pay a lot for quark. Will wait till I get pretty sure about it. I am planning to use it on 120mm f/5 achromat.
  7. I envy that gear!!! Even I am pplanning to add a quark chromo in few months.
  8. I had no clue that we can do something like this! Will try this next time wwith my nebula filters...(this changes everything!) Thanks a lot everyone for their inputs!
  9. Hello! So I wanted to ask this question since a long time. I read somewhere (don't remember where now!) That I can use my 2x Barlow lense to give 1.5x magnification. Here is what am I doing- The Barlow that I have is skywatcher achromatic 2x Barlow. It is kind of hollow, with the actual lenses attached at the bottom. It is removable. So I simply remove the lense and attach it to my plossl eyepiece like a filter. I don't know exactly what's happening here. In my 90mm f/10 refractor, 25mm eyepiece gives 36x magnification. With the setup I mentioned above, image is definitely bigger than what 36x gives, but smaller that what it gives using 25mm + 2x Barlow (72x magnification). I can focus the image easily and image is definitely clear as well. No clue what am I doing here. I like to use this setup during public observations for moon and double stars. I also use it for my H-alpha solar stuff with my 10mm plossl. It still gives a full disc image. Haven't tried it out for galaxies yet. Here are photos of the setup!
  10. And here is mine. Nothing fancy compared to others, but I am in love with it! Also, my refractor is my favourite to put up a projected image of the sun. Had good response during mercury transit event for that.
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