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A little bit of the rosette nebula


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Thanks all. :hello2:

TJ. generally if I process it I'll post it, some might not make it onto my website though.

I did have a nightmare getting guiding going last night (2 hours fiddling with settings) I had planned to get at least 4 hours on this.


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Ooooohhh yes! I love those ionization fronts and think the idea behind this image is great. These details really do merit a close look. stunning contrast between the smoothness of the cloud and the ragged hard-edged 'cracks.'


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Thanks again guys :thumbright:

are you thinking of mosaicing that?

Sorry for the late reply to your question Richie :oops:

I was not planning a mosaic because of the trouble I had with my Hart neb mosaic, differing conditions between nights over the seasions I took it made it a pig to put together.

here a link to the hart neb result so far http://homepage.ntlworld.com/lesley.deegan/skyatnight/IC1805-11-mosaic.jpg

at full size you can see how the diffrent frames of the mosaic show diffrent levels of noise and detail determined by the conditions of each night.

But saying that I'll never say never. :hello2:



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