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ZWO ASI2600 not detected


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2 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

I dunno about devoting lengthy periods of time to one image. Kinda got fed up with waiting weeks or months for a clear night to image a couple of measly hours per channel on mono. So went back to DSLR. If theres a clear spell of weather I might devote a few nights to get 10 hours but last session I only got 44 mins on M27. Still came out ok! I try to enjoy the hobby!

Could not have said it better myself and i agree.  It is easy to get stressed about what is meant to be an hobby, interest and a pass time.  Enough stress in life without worrying when you can get the red channel completed....

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I have been looking into this camera.  Man it is a beast at 26 MP and 16 bit !!!!!!!    It has occurred to me, you could use it as intended as a OSC obviously and that would be the main purpose.  But with the resolution it has, you could bung a FW in front of it and do narrowband!  How interesting and how CMOS has turned the AP world upside down!

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9 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

I have been looking into this camera.  Man it is a beast at 26 MP and 16 bit !!!!!!!    It has occurred to me, you could use it as intended as a OSC obviously and that would be the main purpose.  But with the resolution it has, you could bung a FW in front of it and do narrowband!  How interesting and how CMOS has turned the AP world upside down!

In theory. Can you link to images which confirm this? That's to say, images which blow old school CCD images out of the water?


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No I can’t Olly. And I concede there are no data sheet police........  but at a claimed QE of 80% (yes 80%!) and that many pixels, it could deliver a higher NB resolution than my icx694 460 can.  Combine that with OSC with short exposures, well, that looks to be a compelling proposition in UK skies.  In theory as you say......

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6 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

No I can’t Olly. And I concede there are no data sheet police........  but at a claimed QE of 80% (yes 80%!) and that many pixels, it could deliver a higher NB resolution than my icx694 460 can.  Combine that with OSC with short exposures, well, that looks to be a compelling proposition in UK skies.  In theory as you say......

Yep, shooting mono has its advantages but I really can't pass up the sheer simplicity of a OSC paired with a dual pass narrowband filter. Basically cheating the system but I think it is necessary in the UK to get a quick result.

With the way CMOS keeps improving, I can see them knocking mono CCD of its perch before too long.

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Not giving up on mono either, this is just to play with to catch quick exposures between the clouds mounted on f/2.8 scope. I was trying to do just ten minute NB subs recently but got occasional clouds drifting through ruining them.

Haven't got to try it yet, the original ZWO blurb said NO AMPGLOW but they then state elsewhere, reduced amp glow :icon_scratch:


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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Not giving up on mono either, this is just to play with to catch quick exposures between the clouds mounted on f/2.8 scope. I was trying to do just ten minute NB subs recently but got occasional clouds drifting through ruining them.

Haven't got to try it yet, the original ZWO blurb said NO AMPGLOW but they then state elsewhere, reduced amp glow :icon_scratch:


🤔 no ampglow on my asi 6200Mm or 071. I’m not sure it’s any better than current CCD’s but certainly for short exposures the cmos wins. 

If I lived in a darker area I may have considered a ccd as a better choice. 

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2 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

Hi Dave, how are you getting on with the 2600?  I am very interested in this camera myself.

Hi Steve, not had much success yet, got it set up on the SharpStar HNT ok, also fitted a Primaluce SestoSenso focuser to it and was having a practice with it between the clouds last night.

Had a problem using MaximDL as I took and image with it parked up / north so had Polaris in it, then slewed to Deneb to star align but it just kept downloading the same Polaris image, don't know what the problem was, camera , Maxim or ASCOM driver so switched to SGP which I still haven't got my head around but manged to get the frame and focus running.

Took a couple of short unguided images which have a lot of coma and still haven't got the collimation right which I was hoping to do last night but got clouded out about 2.00am so no images to show for it yet I'm afraid.


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