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PHD2 ST4/ASCOM Celestron 4SE

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Hi - I wonder if you guys can help.

I have a Celestron 4SE, with an ALTAIR385C3 Cam - I can not get PHD2 to control my mount (ST4 or Via HandController)

I have the ASCOM drivers installed, and have tried setting with 'Altair Camera, and On-Camera for the Mount' and also 'Altair Camera ASCOM Driver, with Clestron Telescope Driver (ASCOM)'

Getting a little frustrated as I'm sure you will appreciate.

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1 hour ago, DJC3103 said:

Hi - I wonder if you guys can help.

I have a Celestron 4SE, with an ALTAIR385C3 Cam - I can not get PHD2 to control my mount (ST4 or Via HandController)

I have the ASCOM drivers installed, and have tried setting with 'Altair Camera, and On-Camera for the Mount' and also 'Altair Camera ASCOM Driver, with Clestron Telescope Driver (ASCOM)'

Getting a little frustrated as I'm sure you will appreciate.

Hello and welcome to SGL.  A few questions

  1. For what purpose are you using PHD2 ? I assume that you are trying to guide the mount for long exposure imaging using a second camera for imaging and using the Altair 385C3 as a guide camera.
  2. Does the Nexstar 4 mount have an ST4 port ? I can't a reference to the mount having an ST4 autoguider port in the user manual or Celestron's product spec.
  3. To use the option "Altair camera ascom driver with Celestron telescope driver" the handset needs to be connected to the computer. Is this what you did ?
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Hi - Thanks for the prompt response.

1. Yes - I want to be able to use PHD2 for autoguiding (correction) - as the primary guidance is not as accurate as anticipated. The Altair is 'for the moment' going to guide, with a DSLR for imaging.

2. The 4SE has to ports (AUX and CAMERA) - with a supplied lead . . . I'm assuming this to be an ST4 (However, I'm trying to use the Handset via USB IN PHD2)

3. Handset is connected to the Laptop and is seen as COM4

The 'Celestron' ASCOM drivers kick in when I load, and show me a 'N.E.S.W' with speeds control selection - This drives the scope perfectly, so there's obviously signal getting through.

I've also switched the tracking mode to 'OFF' as this was advised in another Forum (Somewhere) - But makes no difference at the moment regardless.

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4 minutes ago, DJC3103 said:

2. The 4SE has to ports (AUX and CAMERA) - with a supplied lead . . . I'm assuming this to be an ST4 (However, I'm trying to use the Handset via USB IN PHD2)

As I understand it the AUX port is for connecting a gps unit to the mount. The camera port is for controlling a DSLR attached to the telescope through the handset (exposure time and number of exposures etc) . Neither are an ST4 autoguiding port. The Celestron website states that the 4SE doesn't have an autoguiding port. https://www.celestron.com/products/nexstar-4se-computerized-telescope

12 minutes ago, DJC3103 said:

Celestron' ASCOM drivers

After selecting the Celestron ascom driver in PHD2 which mount do you then select from the mount setup ? Scrolling through the mount types listed in PHD2 on my computer doesn't show a Nexstar 4SE.


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Okay - - 

Camera: Altair Astro Camera ASCOM Driver

Mount: Celestron Telescope Driver (ASCOM) - When I go to the 'config' for this, it gives me the Celestron Setup - COM4,  Track Mode Alt Az - Show Hand Controller (Which independently does control okay)

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43 minutes ago, DJC3103 said:


Okay - - 

Camera: Altair Astro Camera ASCOM Driver

Mount: Celestron Telescope Driver (ASCOM) - When I go to the 'config' for this, it gives me the Celestron Setup - COM4,  Track Mode Alt Az - Show Hand Controller (Which independently does control okay)

Which mount do you select in the Celestron Driver Setup window ?




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Hi DJC, before you go down the road of trying to guide for DSO imaging with the 4se. I'm just wondering if you have considered an equatorial mount with a shorter focal length faster scope? The 4SE with it's ALT Az wedged mount, and very slow long focal length optics will be incredibly challenging for any imaging other than planetary and lunar. 

I've learnt that it's incredibly easy to flog a dead horse with astrophotography. Been there and got the T-shirt :) life is easier if you use what is well documented to work for DSO imaging i.e. a good equatorial tracking mount and shorter focal length faster scope.

Hope that helps

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The 'Hand Controller' does what it says on the Tin... whereas the Manual Guide has no affect..

Signal is obviously getting through via the ASCOM driver, but not being interpreted by PHD2 !!


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Perhaps PHD2 can't move the mount while the "Hand Controller" is open ? Untick Show Hand Controller ?

The Track Mode is showing AltAz, is that going to work?

Up the PHD2 Guide Pulse Duration to 5000, just to be sure it isn't moving.

(Presumably those aren't your real Lat Long, should be around 51N, and 000deg 45secs W)


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I hate to dampen enthusiasm, but  have a 4SE I use as a visual grab & go when I fly, but I do not image with it, although I have tried.

The 4SE is an f/13 scope. I don't believe you can put a focal reducer in its optical train as it has a fixed (flip mirror) eyepiece aperture. It is also not Fastar compatible. Hence, you are hence stuck with imaging at f/13.  

Imaging at f/13 can be very difficult even with planets. It is particular hard finding and keeping an object in its narrow FOV when maging. The 4SE wedge is crude, the tripod is not robust and its tracking not great. I would be surprised if guiding helped that much. You can get a Mak-Cass T-adapter to fit a DSLR, but the camera weight and wind judder is a serious problem.  Frankly, I wasted a tonne of money on my 4SE and suggest yoy don't invest too much beyond a cheap webcam until you get a superior scope.

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  • 2 months later...

noah4x4 - I think I've accepted that I was falsely sold the 4SE and supposed capabilities.

From the off, I made it clear that I wanted something for DSO - Partly my own fault for not reading and getting advice prior.

I have since invested in an Omegon LX3 - Although constrained in its crudeness, its a fun gadget that does what its supposed to do.

Saving the pennies for maybe an HEQ5 and a shorter focal length tube..

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