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A few galaxies and a couple of globs


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Hi Guys

I’ve just come in from an enjoyable hour with my 16” Dob in the garden.

Things didn’t start well with the neighbours bathroom lights shining onto my observing spot. Nothing for it but to crack open a cold beer and wait it out in the semi darkness while reading SGL posts for some observing inspiration. Ablutions completed, my neighbours settled down for the night and darkness ruled.

First up, the Leo triplet. I nearly packed it in there and then as all that I could see was a single faint smudge where two bright Messier’s should have greeted me. After a couple of expletive laden minutes I realised that, in my haste, I had settled on NGC 3593; a mag 10.9 galaxy about a degree to the right of the triplet..... I felt like a Muppet but the triplet looked lovely.

Next up were the globular M53 and the Black Eye galaxy (M64). This one really shone with its  dark dust lane showing clearly. Then down into Virgo for what will probably by my last look for the year at Markarian’s Chain. Then 10 mins of zipping around the Virgo / Coma boarders hoovering up unidentifiable galaxies which was fun.

I finished my galaxies off with NGC 4565 (The Needle) and NGC 4559 (a bright irregular blob) in the top of Coma. How Mr Messier missed these two is a mystery.

Lastly The Great Cluster in Hercules (M13) brought a big grin to finish a really enjoyable little session.

Hope that others got to enjoy the clear sky too.


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I did enjoy last night too!

Spent most of my time in leo with the triplet and M66/65.

A quick trip to the black eye also was very nice.

However, I am most chuffed with finally finding M1! The crab has eluded me until now. But I must say that I had to catch it quite early into the night as it is now so low and with my 8 inch newt it was an averted vision only object, VERY faint smudge with no detail at all but a slight suggestion of elongated shape.

Not much to see but a big one off the list 😁

Enjoyed reading your report


Edited by miguel87
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On 16/04/2020 at 01:02, Paul73 said:

... probably by my last look for the year at Markarian’s Chain. ...

Why so? By my reckoning we still have a month to go before we start losing astro darkness, and Leo is high up all that time...

Cheers, Magnus

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8 minutes ago, Captain Magenta said:

Why so? By my reckoning we still have a month to go before we start losing astro darkness, and Leo is high up all that time...

Cheers, Magnus

Speaking with bitter experience of the UK weather.......

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