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Nasty fungal infection !!

Ciaran Meier

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I've a set of Elinor 10x50's. Had them maybe twenty years and they've provided excellent service. Alas however the objectives internally now look like this......

They are classed as waterproof but obviously a seal has failed allowing moisture ingress. Does anyone have any experience in removing bino objectives without damaging them. I can see how they are fastened in with a threaded clip but it looks like a precarious exercise to safely remove them. Any advice appreciated as they are actually a great pair of bino's. 


Edited by Ciaran Meier
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Worth a go at strip down and cleaning to be honest. You can buy a camera lens ring removal tool to help (£7-10) on ebay. And grab some optical wonder fluid to help clean.

Good luck ..Rob

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Ouch, that is not at a level that can be ignored. As above only one choice really, strip it and see what can be done, leaving it is not an option. You may find that the coatings have been eroded by the fungus though and there is nothing that can be done about that. If you manage to get it off then expose the optics to a UVC bulb for a few hours to kill off any spores. 

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If you do attempt to strip it down, very carefully make marks on the metal rings before you loosen things so that you can correctly reposition and retain any alignment in approx the right place when you reassemble. It's possible the objective has eccentric rings under the securing ring to adjust collimation and it'll be something you'd need to adjust if they're significantly out of position on reassembly. Best you'll be able to get after will be to set the alignment to suit you which is fine, assuming you are the only user of this pair.

You would of course lose the non-moist air purge they'd have originally had but if that's already failing it won't make much difference. Don't forget to treat the inner tube area and rings too, peroxide or mild bleach should kill off any trace and let things dry thoroughly. Perhaps sit the open tube over a silica gel sachet for a day/overnight before reassembly to absorb moisture too. When reassembling and closing up try doing it in a dry air (cool) environment which will reduce fogging up issues in use later.

Edited by DaveL59
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I think you will find that once the objectives have been removed the problem will prove to be between the two optical components.  These will most likely be cemented, if so, separating them and re-cementing them raises the difficulty of a repair considerably.      😟   

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Hi folks

Thanks for all the assistance. Managed to remove each lens using two jeweller screwdrivers in a push/pull motion. Clips were actually not all that difficult to unscrew. (Heart was still in my mouth though!)

As Peter mentioned, initial appraisal seemed to indicate growth was between the components of the lens. But continuing on I gave then a light rinse in lukewarm soapy water, let them air dry then cleaned with lens cleaner. Final touch was a clean with the lenspen.  Have just popped outside to check on star field and they are perfect 😀.  They are no longer my main set but it's great to have them back in action.  Many thanks to all.  


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