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Stellarium v0.19.3 has been released


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December 22, 2019 we released the 39th release of the planetarium with the version number 0.19.3.

The major changes of this version:
- Direct ASCOM support for Telescope Control plugin on Windows
- Refactoring the GUI
- Many improvements in the code
- Added many DSO textures
- Improvements in DSO catalog
- Many improvements in AstroCalc tool

Thank you very much to community for bug reports, feature requests and contributions!
Full list of changes:
- Added Vts plugin (GH: #880)
- Added Chinese translation for skycultures (GH: #788)
- Added support superior and inferior conjunctions for inner planets in AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #789)
- Added support greatest elongations for inner planets in AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #789)
- Added compute stationary points in AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #789)
- Added new groups of objects for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool
- Added magnitudes for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool
- Added brightness limit for planetary nebulae (speed-up for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool)
- Added 2 new functions for AstroCalc/Graphs tool
- Added support of connecting line between the ephemeris markers (GH: #758, #805)
- Added support skipping of labels for visualization of data into AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #758)
- Added acknowledgements entry for plugins
- Added some more references and acknowledgements for few plugins
- Added some DSO textures (GH: #798, #824, #878)
- Added new GUI options and tooltips for AstroCalc/Ephemeris and AstroCalc/Phenomena tools
- Added parallax accuracy info for the stars (GH: #87)
- Added new planetary nomenclature
- Added selected dwarf and minot planets for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool
- Added error info for distance (taken from parallax)
- Added heliocentric speed to Apex markers
- Added support of SYNC command for LX200 and NexStar protocols (Telescope Control Plugin) (GH: #667, #727)
- Added asteroid (162173) Ryugu and moon Puck (Uranus XV)
- Added filters for open/globular star clusters in DSO tab (GH: #841)
- Added categories "open star clusters" and "globular star clusters" into AstroCalc/WUT tool (GH: #841)
- Added new type of shape for markers (MarkerMgr/scripting)
- Added new option for visualization of ephemeris markers (AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool)
- Added tool for smart format dates of ephemeris on the sky (AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool)
- Added new option for CCD (switching scaling FOV) in Oculars plugin (GH: #834)
- Added option to allow drawing FOV outline for ocular (Oculars plugin)
- Added an optional cardinal points to the ocular view (GH: #421)
- Added some stars to Chinese skyculture and Chinese contemporary skyculture (GH: #848)
- Added option to enable align the crosshair in equatorial coordinate system (GH: #852)
- Added option to use one color for info text (overwrite color mode) for all objects
- Added ASCOM telescope client into Telescope Control plugin (Windows only) (GH: #761, #406)
- Added 2 new config options for developers to build Stellarium package
- Added Pinyin transliteration to Chinese sky culture (GH: #867)
- Added support display of asterisms and ray helpers for Western (Rey) starlore (GH: #855)
- Added tool with keyboard shortcut for deselect the selected object (GH: #857)
- Added new tool (AstroCalc/Transits) info AstroCalc window (GH: #872)
- Added new option (duration) into AstroCalc/Graphs [Graphs] tool (GH: #874)
- Added an optional calculations for perihelion and aphelion of the planets into AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #874)
- Added tool to adjustable line thickness of celestial grids and lines (GH: #828)
- Added line thickness setting into ArchaeoLines plugin
- Added new stars and exoplanets names according to IAU NameExoWorlds
- Fixed coordinates for Taldykorgan (Kazakhstan) (GH: #782)
- Fixed drawing of Off-Axis Guider (GH: #784)
- Fixed wrong rendering FOV through eyepiece when telescope is changed (GH: #211)
- Fixed parsing the designation of interstellar objects for MPC online search tool
- Fixed compute minutes in low precision case from deciman hours (GH: #792)
- Fixed double (mirrored) ephemeris lines in perspective projection (GH: #811, #813)
- Fixed exclude moons from compute of greatest elongations and stationary points on non-terrestrial locations (AstroCalc/Phenomena tool)
- Fixed compute behaviour for "Sun, planets and moons" option on non-terrestrial locations (AstroCalc/Phenomena tool)
- Fixed cache problem for compute Moon's age in some cases
- Fixed crash in AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool in specific cases (GH: #822)
- Fixed displaying obvious wrong distance for stars (GH: #402, #404)
- Fixed wrong rendering the screen in night mode with fractional scaling (GH: #827)
- Fixed getting revision number for non-release builds when git is not installed or using source tarball
- Fixed wrong distances of the clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (GH: #840)
- Fixed crash when star catalogs description is updated
- Fixed abbreviation of asterism Sudor Ophiuchi
- Fixed wrong zooming in Telrad (GH: #832)
- Fixed about data for Oculars plugin and updated the version of plugin
- Fixed support mirrored cardinals for ocular view
- Fixed crash when "gravity labels" is enabled (GH: #847)
- Fixed the space char problem for gravity labels
- Fixed work scripting functions saveState and restoreState (GH: #849)
- Fixed font scaling for text around CCD frame for HiDPI screens
- Fixed translation errors in Danish (GH: #865)
- Fixed saving of stars twinkle setting (GH: #862)
- Fixed crash for saving file in AstroCalc/WUT tool when category of objects is not selected
- Fixed obtaining some data for plot graphs in Exoplanets plugin
- Fixed DSO catalog (unexsist objects)
- Fixed object information text color in eyepiece view at daytime (GH: #858)
- Fixed plot for culmination height jumps at daylight saving time (GH: #876)
- Fixed crash with negative JDs
- Fixed setting the minimum data step for labels in AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #871)
- Fixed translation issues for Nomenclature
- Fixed translation issues for Nebulae
- Fixed translation months of activity for the meteor showers
- Fixed solar halo drawing issue (GH: #879)
- Fixed ASCOM settings translation issue (GH: #881)
- Fixed for paths render with orthographic projection (GH: #811)
- Fixed wrap-around rendering artefacts for Comet tails in Cylindrical and similar projections
- Fixed artefacts in some projections for old-style landscapes (GH: #366)
- Fixed Date and Time dialog: set focus on day spinner by default (GH: #886)
- Updated outlines for DSO (the data taken from OpenNGC catalog)
- Updated TelescopeControl plugin: Attempt to fix protocol mismatches for LX200 (GH: #818)
- Updated some DSO textures (GH: #783, #798, #815, #817, #824, #878)
- Updated scripting engine documentation
- Updated Stellarium User Guide
- Updated options for Windows installer (GH: #819)
- Updated AstroCalc/PC tool
- Updated parallax info string: let's use milliarcseconds for parallax for whole planetarium
- Updated default bookmarks for asteroids in Solar System Editor plugin
- Updated default bookmarks for comets in Solar System Editor plugin
- Updated the initial steps for newly added minor and dwarf planets into AstroCalc/Phenomena tool
- Updated rules for including OpenSSL libraries into Windows package (GH: #786)
- Updated GUI for Sky and viewing options window
- Updated attributes for HDPI support
- Updated lunar terminator visibility
- Updated ephemeris marker style: it was switched to use new type of shape to balancing the visual style
- Updated spectral data for HIP stars from SIMBAD/Gaia data
- Updated variable stars data (HIP subset from GCVS 5.1 catalog)
- Updated behaviour: hide zodiacal light when whole Solar system bodies are hidden
- Updating StelProperty behaviour: allow suppression of a warning when a StelProperty cannot be found - should be used when requesting plugin properties!
- Updated AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool: excluding moons from list of celestial bodies (except the moons of current planet) to simplificate.
- Removed filter for star clusters from DSO tab (GH: #841)
- Removed "star clusters" category from AstroCalc/WUT tool (GH: #841)

Binary packages you may download at https://stellarium.org website

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Cheers Alex, keep up the good work! Downloading now...

Stellarium is very slick and improvements can only make it better and better.

The Ascom plugin certainly has been a long time coming and thanks to gionk for making it happen.

My interest in Astronomy has been helped a lot by Stellarium.

Merry Christmas to the Stellarium team!



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(Russian below / Русский ниже)

Hello Alexander, happy 2020, now or if you prefer in two weeks.

Today I tried stellarium 0.19.3 and noticed that anti-aliasing no longer worked. I use the program on a 4K monitor, with Windows font scaling at 150%.

So I went back to 0.19.2, but the anti-aliasing did not come back. I installed 0.19.3 again and tried ANGLE Direct3D 11. That makes the fonts look good again.

The problem is solved, but open GL has always worked fine for me. Is there anything I can do to make Open GL work properly again? I use windows10 64 bit,  NVIDIA GTX 1060 with 3GB memory and an LG monitor (27UD69P). All drivers are up to date.


Здравствуйте, Александр, счастливого 2020 года, сейчас или, если хотите, через две недели.

Сегодня я попробовал стелларий 0.19.3 и заметил, что сглаживание больше не работает. Я использую программу на мониторе 4K, с масштабированием шрифта Windows на 150%.

Поэтому я вернулся к 0.19.2, но сглаживание не вернулось. Я снова установил 0.19.3 и попробовал ANGLE Direct3D 11. Это снова заставляет шрифты выглядеть хорошо.

Проблема решена, но open GL всегда работал нормально для меня. Что я могу сделать, чтобы снова заставить Open GL работать должным образом? Я использую 64-разрядную версию Windows10, NVIDIA GTX 1060 с 3 ГБ памяти и монитором LG (27UD69P). Все драйверы обновлены.


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Thank you for responding Alexander.

Part A - windowed mode

The GL jagged edges problem only exists full screen. In a window everything looks fine.

This is 0.19.3 open GL in a window at 150% scaling, it looks just fine:





Part B - Full screen mode

The problem only exists full screen. Please view everything at actual pixel size to get rid of the moirée.

 At 150% scaling the difference is obvious in the text and even in the constellation lines. It may be there in everything.


zips of  original pictures: 100% scaling ANGLE and GL.zip   150% scaling ANGLE and GL.zip

At 100% the fonts look fine in both GL and ANGLE. The constellation lines are a little different though, but this is not obvious at a normal viewing distance. See the 100% zip.

I'll be happy to do more testing if you want me to.

NB. The pixels are about 0.15mm wide.  I'm trying out purple constellation lines. I think I'll try dim grey next.


Edited by Ruud
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Where is the Oculars folder for the Linux (Ubuntu) version. I am unable to locate it. I am copying the oculars folder from my Windows Laptop versio to my Desktop Ubuntu version.

Also, I am unable to find the ISS. What sattelite web address I need to add to be able to locate the ISS?

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1 hour ago, pooky2483 said:

Where is the Oculars folder for the Linux (Ubuntu) version. I am unable to locate it. I am copying the oculars folder from my Windows Laptop versio to my Desktop Ubuntu version.

See ~/.stellarium directory (Hint: Stellarium 0.19.3 User Guide, page 52)

1 hour ago, pooky2483 said:

Also, I am unable to find the ISS. What sattelite web address I need to add to be able to locate the ISS?

For example: http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/visual.txt

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3 hours ago, alexwolf said:

See ~/.stellarium directory (Hint: Stellarium 0.19.3 User Guide, page 52)

For example: http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/visual.txt

Just downloaded the User Guide and will print it out as I prefer to read old-style rather than PDF's on screens..
Currently running a search in / for .Stellarium

Thanks 🙂

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I already have the celestrak address in the list.
I did a search earlier and there was no result for ISS, strangley, now there is!!!
Also, the search has finished and it could not find '.Stellarium' so trying a search 'everywhere' now...

Just realised why I am not finding the folder, it's an APPIMAGE a SNAP install. Going to uninstall and reinstall (properly).
I am unable to locate the .stellarium folder in my home directory.

Edited by pooky2483
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26 minutes ago, pooky2483 said:

I'm trying to enter details of oculars and some of them are minus numbers but Stellarium will not let me enter a minus number into the field stop field.

You need field stop diameter (not field stop position!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 22/12/2019 at 12:39, alexwolf said:

The major changes of this version:
- Direct ASCOM support for Telescope Control plugin on Windows

Thanks for all the work on Stellarium.  I have just tried the direct ASCOM control, which works just fine, but, unless I am not understanding something, this does not include the functionality that StellariumScope provides to sync the mount to a target or to abort a slew?


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  • 3 weeks later...

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