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Observing record

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I tend to use A4, 110g, spiral bound pads. These are handy 'cos I can draw two or three circles on each page and when out observing can sketch. I don't use the pad on every session and when in use, I usually do no more than one or two sketches for I find the process quite exhausting, time consuming and sometimes very frustrating. Obviously, on a given night many more wonders of nature are observed but these will not be recorded, neither in sketch or written form. Instead, they are submitted to memory, soon to be forgotten and when or if I return, become once again a new Wow moment :smiley:


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i do iam on 5 books now

i can go back and see everything like:

what day month year i looked at something

what scope i used (since i probally owned more then 60 since 93)

what location i was at, maybe a cottage maybe camping. i been to may areas

what colour zone was that in LP zone

what was the sky conditon and temp

what eps filters i used on a object

and a drawing of what i saw

etc etc every information i need is in my logs



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Always logged my observations since 1973, DIN A 4 paper version (no media disruption!). Still using the same format with columns for observing number, date, NELM/transparency, seeing, and time. Location and instruments at the beginning of the text. It's very rewarding to read the old entries and realizing one's long and beautiful way to the knowledge of the starry skies. Interspersed are the special moments - animals; emergency cases in the neighbourhood, spontaneous contacts used for outreach; even a minor earthquake, etc. Very recommendable! Have a look (German text, but the NGC numbers will help).





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I log every session. Periodically I read through my log book and its like being at the EP again that night. Unfortunately I can't remember the web addy I found them at. But if you google "astronomy logbook sheets" and go to images, you can find them.




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Yes I have notebooks and make sketches that I do refer back to now and then. I send variable star estimates to BAAVS and AAVSO. I used to draw craters as a kid but they have been lost over the years.

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14 hours ago, Kn4fty said:

I log every session. Periodically I read through my log book and its like being at the EP again that night. Unfortunately I can't remember the web addy I found them at. But if you google "astronomy logbook sheets" and go to images, you can find them.



Ah those are nice! I'll have to print some off.

14 hours ago, Kn4fty said:



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On 23/10/2019 at 04:12, Ships and Stars said:

I just modded an 8.5" x 11" format Astro observation sheet (Rix 2012) to A4. Haven't printed any off yet but set up in powerpoint as A4 slides and exported as jpeg. Might need to be scaled up but should work.

A4 Astro Observation Sheets c.Rix 2012.jpg

I've got those sheets too and love them!


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Just now, Ships and Stars said:

I went to print some and of course no ink, lol, I'll print off a batch asap. Good idea on these Rob!

Before I found these, my notes were a mess and no hint of organization! 😂😂😂😂


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I've only recently started but I was told by a few people on here that I definitely should keep a record and sketch wherever possible as its a good record and seems to really help train the eye. The first think I found was M11 the wild duck cluster. It was only after looking at it for quite a long time that the sort of flared V shape began to appear and it was quite a challenge to transpose that to paper. I think its made a big difference to my understanding of it though and I'd hazard that I got much more out of the experience by being patient and recording what was going on.

But I am terribly impatient normally though - if it weren't for keeping a log I'd probably be "zoom, zoom, next, tick, tick, faster faster faster!" which I'm learning doesn't seem to really work in this hobby!

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