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Saturn in all its glory

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To me Saturn is one of the most remarkable objects in the night sky. It's not just an imaging challenge but it is fascinating to observe. This was my latest image taken early August and may well be my last of this beautiful planet as I doubt that I'll be able to do better any time soon. Taken through a Meade LX90-8" with a ZWO ASI120MC camera. For those interested in the process, the capture software was Sharpcap taking 2,000 frames at 24fps. The image comprises 20% of those frames selected by AutoStakkert-3 and then processed first in Registax6 then in Photoshop CS3 including use of the plugin Astra Image.

SS Saturn 24-07-2018.jpg

Edited by DKNicholson
To include the processing software
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When the seeing plays ball, there is no finer object in the night sky.

I've only seen it in decent seeing the once with my new refractor ; that was mid September time,

and in moments of good to better seeing it looked pretty similar to your image, the main difference

being i saw the planets shadow on the rings much more distinctively with it being further past opposition.

Great image DK 🙂

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On 22/10/2019 at 21:44, cjdawson said:

That is a beautiful image.  I have a challenge for you.  Try and take images of that quality of Saturn, then you can use them to make a picture story of how the rings shift's in orbit.

Bit too late for that now I feel (a) the weather is cr*p (b) it's getting a bit low in the sky. Besides I've just received my new DSO imaging camera - Starlight Xpress Trius Pro-694 🤩🤩 - so my efforts will now be going into using that with my 115 in the observatory!

Telescope whole setup.jpg

Edited by DKNicholson
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