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TS-Optics 8" f/12 Cassegrain telescope 203/2436 mm OTA

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Minor jobs. 🙂

Got the finder aligned and found I needed the two inch spacer added to focus on something a mile away. 

Found the front cover was a bit awkward to remove as there was nothing to grab and it is a snug fit. So off to the spare parts box for a black stainless steel knob to attach to the cover. Much better. 👍🏻



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Rings 🙂

Bought some 230mm tube rings from Telescope Express. Nice solid pair of rings. I wanted to make some chages to make it better for Alt-Az mounting with the handle on the top when fitting the scope to the mount. Makes it easier to be able to hold the scope in position with one hand while tightening the saddle  clamp. 

Removed the dovetails and radius blocks from the OTA. Fitting the Losmandy radius blocks to the rings required drilling a couple of new angled holes in each block and tapping the holes to M6. Countersunk bolts were used to fasten on the blocks from the inside of the rings. The Vixen radius blocks on the top were easier as  existing holes in the blocks could be used to bolt them in place. It’s so much easier fitting the scope to the mount now. Oh and the new knobs on the saddle worked a treat. So easy to get a good grip and get them good and tight. 👍🏻

Had the scope out the other night. Left it to cool for an hour. Dew was dripping off the scope and had to wipe off the finder and eyepiece but zero dew on the scope primary or secondary. Had read that this scope just doesn’t dew up. 

Took a tour of the moons terminator and was impressed by the sharpness, contrast and detail showing. Then tried the Morpheus 4.5 which would give 541 mag. All I can say is wow.  Unbeliveabe detail !!! The sensation of just floating above the moons surface was remarakable. I had thought the Skymax 180 was a good lunar scope but this is in a different league. I could see more detail than I ever did in the 180. And this was with mist and not great seeing. Can’t wait for a clear night with great seeing And also the collimation needs some fine tuning. 





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You can tell it’s cloudy.😁

Sorted out the finder mounting. Took a standard mounting shoe and cut the “legs” off and filed the base flat. Then drilled and tapped the flat part of the ring and bolted the finder shoe on. The rings got in the way of the finder shoe mounted on theb scope.  

Also added some flocking material to the inside of the rings as the rings weren’t quite tight enough.



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This looks like a really nice scope, I was looking at getting a Skywatcher Skymax 180 Pro, but having read this and other comments, guess I will be looking at getting one of these instead.

What is the Stock Crayford Focuser like?

Nice modifications/upgrades by the way

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The stock focuser is actualy not bad at all. Solid and will do the job. I made the fatal mistake of test fitting the Baader Steeltrack though. Nice as the stock focuser is it’s not as nice as a Steeltrack. Next best thing to a FeatherTouch.🙂

I always liked the Skymax180 but this new scope is a real step up in performance. And no dew problems. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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  • 7 months later...

Love the views the scope gives. Quick cooldown and and no dewing problems as well. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Used a pair of tube rings so the Losmandy bar was bolted to the rings using the stock mounting blocks and the top vixen bar wasfitted to the rings again using the stock mounting blocks. Countersunk screws were used from the inside of the rings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody.

I would like some help please.

I just buy this telescope (GSO 8" F/D12). But it was very difficult to use it to watch something. I explain my problem:

I can't ajuste the focus to have a good image. I use an eyepiece (7, 10 and 25mm). But I can't adjust a good focus. I use 2x spacer M90 1" + 1x spacer M90 2" and focuser. But I need to move the eyepiece back. And with the 7mm eyepiece it's almost impossible.

I d'ont have a star diagonal.

What do you mean about this problem. I'm crazy or not ? How to do adjust focus ?  

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I did a brief comparison. The old Skymax 180 was good but the CC just does everything better. Having a proper refractor style focuser and the fixed primary has advanages for imaging plus the CC has large  illuminated image field with 45 mm diameter which is a big advantage if you have a suitable camera. Quicker cooldown and no problems with dewing unlike a mak. Found the CC had a sharper more contrasty image and would take higher magnification.

Don’t get me wrong I really liked the Skymax180 but since upgrading to the CC don’t miss it at all.

I changed the focuser for a Baader Steeltrack that has almost twice the drawtube travel so don’t use the spacers any more. 



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