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Iris Nebula 15 hours


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Inspired by AlexBB's stunning recent Iris Nebula image I thought I'd have first attempt at this one too given the brief two days of relative clear skies at new moon between the otherwise constant rain.  This is approx 15 hours over two nights (bortle 5), mostly luminence with about 90 mins each for RGB. 2 min exposures at unity gain with the 1600MM & Esprit 80. Interesting figuring out how to tease out the background dust, much still to learn, hope to add more for higher image quality in the future. 



Edited by AbsolutelyN
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Excellent.  You've done a really good job bringing out the dust, but If you use Photoshop for processing, you might want to look at Olly's recent thread  "Exploiting the Equalize function in photoshop" for bringing out the faint stuff.


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13 minutes ago, alan potts said:

Beautiful image that you have taken there, if you find Olly's post can you put a link on here I couldn't find it.



I've played with it, and I must say that it can produce stunning results with remarkably little effort.

[Gimp users can find the function under "Colours -> Auto -> Equalise"]

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