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SVBONY SV106 60Mm guidescope?

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Hi, I might need to get a new guidescope, and saw this SVBONY SV106 60mm guidescope for a fairly low price..From many reviews I've read, this is exactly the same as Orion/Astromania and similars 60mm guidescope, and should work great.

Here is the link to the guiescope: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32817830464.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.59201a612f9HxQ&algo_pvid=9f0a8f1f-68f4-4bf1-8c76-5fbf34d6b579&algo_expid=9f0a8f1f-68f4-4bf1-8c76-5fbf34d6b579-0&btsid=823b2ee2-ed4e-42fc-8ada-2c9b2efaaff4&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_9,searchweb201603_52

Here is a review from amazon:
"I bought this to replace the Orion version I had that was stolen. At 1/2 that price this is every bit as well made. I saw a comment that there was some flop in the focuser tube, but on the unit I have, if the set screw is tight, there is no flop.
I put an eyepiece in to check the optics and the image was sharp and I didn't see any chromatic aberrations. I plan to use this as a guide scope for astro-imaging, and I think it will work fine."

what do you guys think? Should I go for it? Anything else to recommend? Thanks. :)

Edited by msacco
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4 hours ago, banjaxed said:

I nearly bought one of those a while back but decided a right angled scope would be more suitable for me. They certainly look well made and as long as you are satisfied with it that's all that matters.

Well they do look well made, but I don't know if I'll be satisfied with it, as I need to buy it in order to test it ^_^ Do you think it will be a decent decision getting one of these?

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An alternative to consider might be a 50mm Skywatcher finder and converter to give you either a T2 or C thread for fitting a camera.  As sold by FLO for around the £70 mark.  Even cheaper if you can pick up the finder second hand.  Or I  think you can get converters to go to a 1.25" barrel if you have a suitable camera design.

I'm not sure there's much value in the rings etc. with the SVBONY guidescope.  It doesn't need to point in exactly the same direction as the imaging OTA.


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6 hours ago, JamesF said:

An alternative to consider might be a 50mm Skywatcher finder and converter to give you either a T2 or C thread for fitting a camera.  As sold by FLO for around the £70 mark.  Even cheaper if you can pick up the finder second hand.  Or I  think you can get converters to go to a 1.25" barrel if you have a suitable camera design.

I'm not sure there's much value in the rings etc. with the SVBONY guidescope.  It doesn't need to point in exactly the same direction as the imaging OTA.


I actually already own the 50mm skywatcher finder, as I got it with my skywatcher 200p, the thing is paying £30 for an adapter where I could add a little more and get a probably better guidescope feels like such a waste to me..I really don't know about this.

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I have the Svbony 50mm guide scope… found it to be a really good little scope. works well at being a finder scope and also very good when used as a guide scope.... have used it both with my skywatchers 150mm refractor that now almost 30 years old and getting a big for me to move about, so got a 127 Skywatcher Mak goto and now using it with that as my main finder scope... really pleased with just how well make it is...

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