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Coming in...... :-)


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I have been looking in on this forum for quite a long time - but it as not a place where I posted much. Perhaps I never thought I had much to contribute.

It is time to come in..... and make a contribution.

My interest is in astro-photography rather than visual. I live down the road (long road) from one of the esteemed contributors here, Sara Wager. That is another way of saying that I image from SE Spain - which is not as good as some may think but for sure, way better than anywhere in the British Isles. I am semi-urban which means that most of my images are in Narrow Band. A real necessity but also, for me, a joy to work with.

Most of the time, my goal is to pull out as much detail as I can and colour is of secondary importance. In fact, I much prefer muted colours rather than the strong eye-catching colours that grab the headlines. Thus, you may never have seen any of my work previously....I just am not loud enough on the 'colour scene'   🙂

Anyway....I will put up my latest image (so you can get a feel for what I do)  with hopefully more to follow as times goes on. This is NGC 7822.

Anyone interested, can also look at past work on my web site   www.KinchAstro.com.



FinalViewSigned (2234 x 1800).jpg

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             Thanks guys for the comments. All going well there will be more posts in the months ahead.....I am still finding my way around this (huge) resource and trying to figure out how best to keep an eye on all the posts. 👀

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That’s a beautiful image, I must say I also admire the clarity of your approach to AP. The subject is so vast and complex, it does make sense to me to have thought through what it is you are trying to achieve.

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

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1 hour ago, PhotoGav said:

" Have I seen you on the SGP forum?"  Yes...I have been using SGP from its very early days and have posted on that forum many times. I am new only to actually "posting" my images here. I have been looking in on this forum for years but alas.... I have not participated much. As one door closes (I have closed down my Flickr account) another door opens .... I would like & hope to be more active here. We all like to show what we might consider, the fruits of our labours....our images.  But I hope also to get some genuine critical feedback. That just did not happen on Flickr. I am very much aware that my lack of eye catching colour does not draw the crowds but I am happy to continue with my own style. My images please me and that is #1.....however, if I am way off the mark on occasions I would be very happy to hear other opinions. I am still learning ......🙂


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