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Does this happen a lot to everyone, or am I just lucky?


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Hi all, 

Pretty silly topic, but I'm curious. I'd say 8 of 10 times i go out with my lovely XT8, i see a meteor whizzing through my field of view when looking through my 25mm EP.  Happened again tonight, just now and I'm just curious if this is fairly common or if the universe considers me extra special and I should play the lottery this week? 🤣 

Cheers guys, hope some of you enjoyed the clear (ish) skies tonight in the SE of the UK like i did. .

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Nah, its typical of a session. ;)

When I used to view, I would see at least 4 meteors over the 4 hours viewing. Looking up with my eyes alone I see many more over a 4 hour period.

Now I image, I still get a few subs with meteors streaking by. But hey, I get too many satellites, about every 20 subs...one satellite.

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I see satellites  all the time when the sunlight is at the right angle to light them up, mostly in simmer, spring, and autumn. They can vary a lot in apparent speed depending on magnification and their actual angular speed across the sky.

Sometimes they are so slow that for a moment I will mistake them for a field star and get confused, sometimes they shoot across the view.

Seeing meteors through a scope is much less common. I have thought I've seen a meteor before but there's no way of confirming and your are talking about one or two maybes  over 3 years of observing whereas with satellites I must have seen hundreds.

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I've captured quite a few while widefield imaging for them, but never seen one through the scope.

Have seen a lot while using the telescope, but just naked eyes. I've always had good eyes when it comes to noticing things, good prerefial (is that spelled correctly?) vision.

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15 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

At the EP can you be sure you're seeing meteors rather than satellites? To the unaided eye they are very different but the small field of view at the scope gives an impression of speed.


100% sure. They are super bright and gone past the view in a flash and some left trails and had different colours...Def a meteor. As for satellites, pretty much a given to see one every time i put my eye to the EP, not sure how you guys get any astro photography  done with all those things whizzing past. I guess Photoshop does a good ob to get rid of them 

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