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Multiple eyepiece


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Today I looked at Jupiter for a short while and at one moment I thought why not try to put another eyepiece on top of the current. So on top of a x2 barlow with a Tv plossl 11mm I put a BST Starguider 8mm and after some focusing I have managed to see a clear image of Jupiter. The whole thing isn't very practical as it's difficult to hold an eyepiece on top and have nice and steady focus, but still it worked somehow... 

And the most interesting thing was that the image wasn't upside down anymore, but it was normally aligned... So now I'm wondering, why isn't there a product which can flip the image in reflectors (or there is one I don't know about)?

I've read somewhere online that reflectors cannot have a normally aligned image...

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There are things called erecting prisms which correct the view for newts apparently. I've never tried one, but doubt they improve the view! This one also adds a x1.5 Barlow, presumably to allow you to focus still.

Visionking 1.25" Erecting Prism For Newtonian Reflector Astronomical Telescope https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B014QNEXRC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_McYdDbQA8BNM4

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On 23/06/2019 at 07:56, Stu said:

There are things called erecting prisms which correct the view for newts apparently. I've never tried one, but doubt they improve the view!

I have a nice WO 1.25" erecting prism - it's outstanding for low magnification terrestrial use but does degrade the image somewhat above about 100x. The biggest problem using it for astronomy is that you get a really big diffraction spike from the cemented joint between the prism components. And of course the extra glass and surfaces drops the contrast a little. Great for looking at ships at sea though :) 

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