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Straton Software

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On 22/02/2019 at 21:25, Ibbo! said:

Thank you very much

Sorry for the late reply!

In stratton you open the monochromatic master you wish to work on, stretch it with the slider in the top, usually all the way to the right.



1. remove  the stars from the image.

2. Substract the main image from the original to get the stars only as seen above.

3. Save it as a 16bit tiff and take it into PI.



4. Use histogram transformation to stretch it to nonlinear, here you can really play with how large you want the stars in the mask to be and how many stars you wan't to be included.

5. Use convolution to soften the stars a bit and clean up edge artifacts, play around with it until you get something you like, I only ever tweak the shape slider.

6. (Optional) You can use pixel math to binarize the mask again, I do this when doing star removal in PI, or you can leave the mask a little softer depending on needs..

Formula: iif($T>0.2,1,0) Tweak the 0.2 value, sometimes 0 is valid too.. This just determines at what value a pixel is white or black..  This can also increase or decrease star sizes in the mask.


I find this approach much faster than using the star mask process, and I get stars of all sizes, something I have trouble with when using the star mask process.

Hope it helps. :)

Edited by jjosefsen
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  • 4 months later...

Recently a software package called StarNet++ has been released that also removes stars from images and, although it is not easy to use, there is a Mac version. The author, Nikita, is very accessible, unlike the author of Straton unless things have changed, and he has developed a PI module (beta release at the moment), windooze only at the moment  but is working on a Mac version. In PI you can use PixelMaths to extract the stars so they can be re-added after processing the starless image i.e. tone mapping etc.

I have tried it and it works very well on Mac and it is free.



Edited by dave_galera
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