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Super Blood Wolf Moon from North America!


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I took this shot with my Nikon D3200 at f/5.6, 1/5 sec exposure, ISO 800 with a 300 zoom at totality. It's a supermoon because it's one of the closest moons this year (but not THE closest); it's a blood moon because of the copper color during totality from the light of all the sunrises and sunsets on Earth filtering down onto the Moon's surface; it's the wolf moon from Lakota lore of the January full moon lighting the path of the wolf as he or she forages for food during the lean winter months. For the Cherokee (my heritage) it's called the cold moon:



Reggie :D 


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4 minutes ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

It could have called the ominous Moon or the copper Moon.

True, Ben. It was pretty ominous and surreal staring up at it overhead. I can see how the ancients could perceive this event as an omen. 

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Oh yes, wasn't it nice? I saw it too.

That's a great photo, Reggie. If anyone asks me what it looked like (it was around six in the morning here) I'll just tell them to look here.

Thanks & see you around.

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50 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Nice shot, i too saw it in a minus 39C  windchill factor, not sure what i'll remember most, the moon, or my snot freezing to my face like an icicle.

Icicles? Ouch!

Just as well you didn't have to attend to a call of nature then!  ?

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