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A couple from Kielder


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As is traditional with starcamps, arrive earlier than most (or leave later) you usually get treated to clear skies, and this tear was no exception. Treated to 5 hours clear skies on the wednesday evening, transparancy went a bit milky after that but an excellent imaging session.

I had three targets but only managed two for the evening. 1st, M45, rising early above the tree tops to the NE. Tried an experiment on this one, added some 13A fuse wire (3A and 5A didn't have such a pronounced effect) to create diffraction spikes (probably overdone them!) gettig the idea from the recent S@N magazine. Imaged with Atik314L through WOMegrez 72 10x5 min subs L, 5x5 (2x2 binned) for R,G and B. Captured and guided all with Maxim DL, processed with DSS and Photoshop.


(click to enlarge)

Very happy how this has turned out (probably overdone the spikes a bit though!)

Second target was M1. Imaged through WO FLT110 this time. Same exposures as bove but also added 5x5min Ha, and added this to both the L and R channels. Capture and process as above.


(click to enlarge)

Again, happy with this one. It did have an unfortunate dust bunny introduced by the Ha data to the top right of the SN remnant but I think I've managed to process this out.

Thanks for looking,


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Two classy images there Steve. Amazing what can be done with a bit of fuse wire :D

M45 is always a pleasure to see, especially as good as this. M1 is a prime target too nowadays, and the images are now so detailed, you are matching the Pro Obsy pics.

Ron. :help:

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As is traditional with starcamps, arrive earlier than most (or leave later) you usually get treated to clear skies, and this tear was no exception.

Aint that always the way, last year I stopped on for the Sunday night when most people had packed up and left and was treated to 7 hrs of quality clear skies. I'm glad you managed to get some this year, no wonder you are pleased the crab image is excellent and a very good M45 (although I'm not too sure about the diffraction spikes).



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Very nice Steve.

I too made some crosshairs for the front of my WO72, and also my C9.25. The reason for them is to help me achieve perfect focus, and they work a treat. I have been pleased with the resulting spikes too, full of colour and interest, and far superior to the fake ones added by Noels. I made mine out of aluminium welding rods, 2mm thick, and glued them with epoxy.

In my opinion, certain pics, objects and stars are enhanced by the addition of a few spikes, as long as they dont distract from the target. Also, non astronomers will always pick out the spiky stars and say "oooh look at that one!".

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Thanks folks, The one good thing which gave great seeing was the fact that the ground temperature at midnight was -8C, the air warmed a little later causing the transparancy to degrade, but great time for imaging 7 - 12.


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