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Oops!! R and G and B Comet 21p.......

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Evening all,

I was doing the usual thing the other night,  eg..... picking about 10 objects and getting something on all, rather than a lot of good data on a couple

It was going well so I decided to hang around until the early  ( 3:15!! )  hours to get the comet. 

Yikes, incoming cloud bank.....<action stations > .... so instead of changing the mono-cam for a colour CCD or the DSLR , I blatted off  an RGB sequence of one shot each.

Even with a 600mm F.L. scope the comet certainly shifts across the sky, and when I came to process the data, discovered the consequence.


I have aligned the individual shots with REGISTAR,  but alas the comet has shifted in the two latter shots producing a nice R...G...B.... spread.

Is there any way to correct this effect, or should I put it down to experience ??




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You can place the comet heads in RGB one top of each other.  This will make the stars trail a bit but this is normal for cometry imaging.

Whoops, just tried my own suggestions, but of course the RGB stars then are in different colours, so maybe not such a good idea.


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19 minutes ago, Mr niall said:

Just had a go at fixing it, looks fine now I reckon....

let me know if you want some tips on my workflow...



Cheers for that.    Mystery solved,  my mistake ...... looks like I got the Jellyfish Nebula instead......  

Better load it onto AstroBin,  might get APOTD.....

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18 minutes ago, Craney said:


Cheers for that.    Mystery solved,  my mistake ...... looks like I got the Jellyfish Nebula instead......  

Better load it onto AstroBin,  might get APOTD.....

Thanks, although my son did say “won’t that man be angry you ruined his picture?”... too young for proper astronomy yet I reckon...

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